Sunday, February 07, 2016

Police Officer sues family of person he shot in the line of duty for trauma.

via FoxNews.
A white Chicago police officer who fatally shot a black 19-year-old college student and accidentally killed a neighbor has filed a lawsuit against the teenager's estate, arguing the shooting left him traumatized.
The highly unusual suit was filed Friday in the middle of the city's effort to grapple with serious questions about the future of its police force. Those questions include the adequacy of its system for investigating police shootings and how to win back public trust after several cases of alleged misconduct. The U.S. Justice Department is conducting a wide-ranging civil rights investigation, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel has promised a major overhaul of the Police Department and steps to heal its fraught relationship with black residents.
The timing and unusual nature of the suit by officer Robert Rialmo, who is seeking $10 million in damages, could complicate the department's efforts to demonstrate more sensitivity toward the community in how police shootings are handled. His attorney, Joel Brodsky, said it was important in the charged atmosphere to send a message that police are "not targets for assaults" and "suffer damage like anybody else."

This is just plain wrong.  I don't care how "pro police" you are this reeks to the heavens.  I'm sure many of you disagree and I can't wait to hear how people spin this into being reasonable.

Sidenote:  A family finds out that their child has been killed by police...I don't care how wrong that child might be...that is traumatic.  To think that the officer that did that shooting has the unmitigated gall, arrogance, hutzpa...I can't even come up with the proper word to actually sue the family for damages is simply mind boggling.

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