Monday, April 23, 2012

Don't believe the survey!

via Marine Times.
Under Defense Department guidance, women are banned from serving in specialties whose primary function is to close with and destroy the enemy. But that could change. In a historic first, the Marine Corps is now planning to send women to the Infantry Officers School as part of a comprehensive research program that looks at whether opening more fields to women is a possibility. Enlisted women could get a shot, too, at one of the Infantry Training Battalions. Also part of the possible plan are gender-neutral physical fitness standards that would apply to men and women and a Corps-wide survey so you can sound off on the matter.

Another survey.

Don't you believe the findings.

The current leadership of the Marine Corps is not to be trusted to give real information on the outcome of this and any other survey.  The reason why?  Because the powers that be have determined a course of action and they will do any and everything to reach the desired outcome.

Don't you find it interesting that in the same year that Gays in the military was suddenly and forcifully passed into law we now face the issue of women in combat?

Don't you find it interesting that Marine Corps heroes like Colonel Ripley and General Barrow gave guidance that is at odds with current leadership?

Isn't it strange that not one retired Marine Corps General has come out in favor of these intitiatives?

But that's ok.  They'll get their desired end state.  Women from middle and lower class families will see their daughters legs snapping like twigs....see their bodies destroyed from carrying heavy packs...and they will learn to hate the Marine Corps.

All so that a few Generals and DoD officials can be wined and dined at DC and New York parties.  All so that a few feminist with delusions of grandeur can subject someone else's daughter to dangers that they would never subject themselves or their daughters to.

It would be funny if it wasn't actually happening.


  1. hey all. i would like to introduce you to Huron Serenity. this young man has never served a day in the military....has an affiliation with air power australia...and because i support the F-35 program he likes to come to this blog to spout off.

    he's the type of guy that's never been involved in anything physical much less confrontational and if he's ever pushed will ball up in a ball and cry to his mommy. the thought of physical violence scares the living shit out of him.

    he's the type of guy that depends on other men to protect him...both nationally and even at the local level.

    and because he chooses to depend on others for his protection he sees no problem in letting include women...defend him.

    he is the living, breathing example of a truly modern male. he's in touch with his feminine side and he probably takes more time getting ready to head out the door than any of his female acquaintances.

    he's what we would call a buster. he's a walking talking moron that hasn't been any where and done anything but because he's in college he thinks he knows it all.

    in other words he's a perfect liberal. he wants to save the world but only if someone else goes out and does the heavy lifting. he wants to save the planet but is scared to go out into the woods. save the deer but doesn't want the herd thinned when it becomes obvious that their over population is making the species weaker.

    he's a punk kid that needs to get a fucking life.

  2. Solomon, you've admitted that I'm not the only one that has criticized you for your recent posts about the Corps. Why? Because they are just emotional rants with barely any facts. You do not win battles with emotion.

  3. you don't get it do you.

    they were tellling me to lay off the commandant...they agreed with my views on the women in combat issue. they were saying that the commandant had no choice but to follow the lead of the current guy in the white house.

    you're a troll and a loser and piss poor example of manhood. you're a little bitch and you coming here only confirms that.


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