Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Hey Marine Corps you're old skool and it ain't cool. Put some red dots on those pistols!

Its crazy. At one time the USMC in particular and the US military in general was ahead of the curve when it came to modern marksmanship. Not so much today. I have 3 G45's, one G19 (ccw) and every one of them has a red dot. The USMC should do the same. A pistol is used to get to your rifle. Or in the case of the Marine Corps probably as a last resort weapon. Shooting with high accuracy, able to shoot with both eyes open to give a better view of what's going on around you and with practice an increase in speed is well worth the cost.

Judge rules for the USA! Trump can cut the fuck outta the govt waste...

Lot's of military here. How many of you remember your military history? How many of you have heard old skool servicemembers talk about the reductions in force (RIF) that occured during the 70's and early 80's that pushed out alot of members that wanted to stay in? Well the same should apply to the civilian federal workforce. They didn't cry for those that came before me and I won't cry for them.

Late Open Comment Post. 12 Feb 25

I once believed all cultures should be respected....

Wait. Correction. I have never believed all cultures should be respected (looking at the boy rape in Afghanistan). But this shit is on another strange ass level. Just wow.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

If this is true then the Democrat Party will never recover....

If half of this is true then the Democrat Party will never recover. The Biden Admin will go down in history as the most corrupt in US history. The judicial branch will be seen as lawless and many federal agencies will be seen as enemies of the people. We are headed toward VERY DANGEROUS waters. Those who benefited from this corruption will fight and even kill to keep the train moving. We are heading toward a domestic, political crisis that will rip this nation apart.

If you had 24 hours with her and she couldn't say no, what would ya'll do?

Be careful guys. Its dangerous out there...oh and if its too good to be true then walk away...

So many social battles to be fought...add being extremely obese to the list...


Wow. This lady is just plain DANGEROUSLY obese and instead of taking gentle counsel to get herself into better shape, she wants the world to accomodate her. Switching the chair with a couch was funny but sad at the same time. If she doesn't have the strength to do it herself than ozempic MIGHT help. Either way she either gets her act together or she won't be on the land of the living for long. I pity her. I hate her jaded thinking. I wonder where those that love her are hiding. You can take a quick glance and know that she ain't healthy.

The terrible, failed battle of Krynky

 Thanks to S300V4 for the link!

via KK

In November 2024, previously US-funded Ukrainska Pravda published a little-noticed investigation, documenting in frequently disquieting detail the catastrophic failure of Kiev’s long-running effort to capture the village of Krynky in Russian-controlled Kherson, October 2023 - June 2024. That it was to all intents and purposes a British operation, from deranged inception to miserable conclusion, was perhaps the most shocking revelation. As the proxy war teeters on collapse, it’s high time London’s covert role in fomenting relentless escalation, and getting enormous numbers of Ukrainians pointlessly killed, is critically scrutinised.

In June 2023, the Kakhovka Dam’s destruction almost completely submerged large swaths of Kherson, a key proxy war frontline, depopulating these areas in the process. In the wake of this incident, responsibility for which remains a point of significant contention, Kiev decided to secure a beachhead on Russian territory on Dnipro’s left bank. As Ukrainska Pravda notes, the initiative was and remains “one of the least publicised operations by the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” despite lasting as long as the Battle of Bakhmut.

This omertà endures today, with many “experienced officers” involved in and aware of the operation unwilling to answer any questions put to them by Ukrainska Pravda. One pseudonymous marine quoted “was so concerned about the privacy” of his conversations with the outlet, he contacted them “from different numbers almost every time.” The rationale for this conspiracy of silence is obvious. The Krynky operation’s failure was so egregious, it easily ranks among the uppermost tier of biggest and worst modern military calamities.


Open Comment Post. 11 Feb 25

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Is the Deputy SecDef really saying this shit about why the Pentagon can't pass an audit????

The plan is to fire all govt workers that don't show up for work on Mon. I guess they have to make formation too!

France's GIGN are some mad lads that aren't talked about enough...

The GIGN’s 2 intense shooting exercises: the coordination shot, where the commander is surrounded by targets & the trust shot, where a teammate is fired at while wearing a bulletproof vest
byu/BruLukas inDamnthatsinteresting

Open Comment Post. 9 Feb 25

Fucked around & found out...poor stupid bastard

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Everyone is ignoring the obvious question. USAID funded illegal immigration into US. What was the govt's plan for this?


The question in the title. What was the plan? Allowing unfettered immigration into a country can essentially destroy it at worst and destablize it at best. But no one is asking WHY THEY FUNDED THIS! No one is calling out the NGOs involved. No one is asking USAID officials why. Now we're left with the aftermath that needs to be cleaned up. If we don't know the why's behind this scheme then we risk it happening again. That is all.

My failed attempt at military fiction.

 I talked about my failed attempt at writing some military fiction.  It fizzled but I might try again.  Here are parts 1, 2 & 3.  Don't laugh too hard...

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Second battle of Chosin, 2037

Where have all the good military fiction writers gone? Growing up we had tons of guys writing about future warfare with the scenario of how a battle against the USSR would play out. Many of them were damn near required reading. The greats are gone and no one is around to pick up the mantle. I even tried writing about a fight in Africa but couldn't round it out and it fizzled. Might have to pick it back up and try again.

Cadillac Gage Commando Scout

Are all the wheeled combat vehicles we're seeing today just variations on the theme of the gear we saw in the 60's and 70's?

Open Comment Post. 8 Feb 25