Monday, February 17, 2025

Chinese aircraft carrier Fujian (Type 003) leaving port for sea trials.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

31st MEU | MRF conducts Parachute Operations, Reconnaissance and Surveillance Insert...Video by Pfc. Skilah Sanchez


Just looking at the Presidential limo and it has to have a higher than Level 6 STANAG 4569 level


A quick google search says it has 8 in of armor in the body and 5 in bullet proof glass. Using advanced armor that makes it much better than some of the armored vehicles our Soldiers and Marines ride in. Take the ACV. I would bet the presidential limo is much, much, much better armored. The thing has a limo body but I'd bet its riding on the frame of an F-450 at least. Those are freaking truck tires on that thing. Probably a cummings diesel souped up is pulling it around town and I'd wager it has some pretty impressive suspension work done to it too. Between armor, communications, self defense weaponry, first aid kits, NBC system and some shit to help the driver maneuver around town and I have to wonder if we're not looking at a 8 or 9 ton vehicle....AT LEAST. This would be a tough nut to break.

To Federal Law Enforcement.

This is just a mind exercise trying to guess the capabilities of the vehicle.  In no way am I or anyone I know thinking of or planning to attack the President. It was purely academic.

To everyone else.

If I get a call or a knock on the door from the boys on the other side of Quantico this blog post will be deleted.

Department of Government Efficiency...the X page is up. Follow them to keep up with the fraud, waste and abuse we've been suffering while globalist funded the world..


Elon is starting to look at the Pentagon...

It's curious when you take a global view of things. In the modern era the US is looking like WW2 Germany while China is looking like WW2 US. We have a small quantity of very capable but limited in number weapons. The Chinese appear to be building capable but not quite as good weapons but are plentiful. I guess the real answer to who wins the next war is this. Does quality trump quantity? Have we finally crossed the threshold where superior tech wins despite limited numbers? One last thing. Does a "visionary" have sway in the White House and will he be able to influence military policy?

This is why makeup is evil

Open Comment Post. 16 Feb 25

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Graham is balls deep for getting Ukraine into NATO

And this is why Trump renamed the Gulf Of Mexico to the Gulf Of America...

I remember the Biden admin throwing in some poison pills to make the offshore territory "drill proof" from the incoming admin. Then Trump renamed the Gulf and I locked on. They negated the poison by renaming the damn thing. Fucking brilliant.

These Senators meeting with Zelensky look like ghouls...they want the fight to continue to the last Ukrainian...

What I can't figure is this. Why no major peace movements for the fight in Ukraine? Its in the heart of Europe and Europe is definitely left leaning so the peace parties and others should be all over this. But they aren't. The only voices you hear are from those wanting a deeper involvement. Those who want the fighting to continue. Even the UN is fucking silent over this. Only right thinking Americans and the President want this madness to stop. Something is wrong with the warhawks and globalist. They want the fight to continue till the last Ukrainians and Zelensky is working hard to make that happen.

Open Comment Post. 15 Feb 25

The EU appears to be on the verge of a realignment. Greece is PISSED!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Our budget is fine (as in no REAL deficit). We're just being robbed blind!

How many scam artists are getting rich off a mismanaged US budget. This is organized crime against the United States on a global level. I have to wonder how much of this shit is state sponsored. If we get the info on that then we probably should be going to war with a few nation states.

The Republicans were eating at the trough too. They're every bit as slimy as the Democrats...


Trump isn't a Republican. He's a populist. McConnell is a Republican. This ass hat is a Republican. Graham is a Republican. Long story short? Both parties need an enema.

Dear Ukraine.

 Dear Ukraine.

When your very existence up to this point depends on the generosity of others then WE CAN make decisions about peace FOR you.

You have wasted a couple of generations of your own people fighting a war in a stupid fashion.  You have done nothing successfully but browbeat the people that support you into giving you more and more (can't wait for DOGE to look into all the aid that has been given to much has been stolen?).

Your time for self determination has passed.  You are a problem that must be solved.

That is all.

PS.  Send the hate.  I'm ready and waiting.

CSSC-1 Civilian Research Vessel. China's perfect civilian amphibious support ship in everything but name...

CSSC-1 Civilian Research Vessel. [1280x852]
byu/Routine_Business7872 inWarshipPorn

Writers in the early 1900's were surprisingly freaky...who'd a thunk it?

World renowned author James Joyce’s love letters to his wife
byu/HMS--Beagle ininterestingasfuck

Open Comment Post. 14 Feb 25

Don't lie. You did this stupid shit too...


If this isn't here yet, it should be.
byu/peternemr inUSMC