Monday, May 07, 2012

Generational Dereliction of Duty. The latest example.

The vid is of the expose' done by 60 minutes on the F-22.

But my question is much larger in scope.  Are we living through the worst leadership in the history of our military?  Are we seeing generational dereliction of duty?

The evidence is stunning.

*General Shinseki relieved for telling the truth to US Senators...

*The revolt of the Generals.  Instead of speaking out while on active duty, they waited until retirement to bond together to speak out about the conduct of the war.

*General Pace in essence lying to the American public about the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Things were worse than they reported.

*General Mullen doing the same.

*General Patreus embarking on a nation building program with conventional forces in Afghanistan...ignoring the fact that the Terrorist threat had been neutralized by then and we were involving ourselves in a civil war...the Northern Alliance (the current government) vs. the Taliban (the former govt).

*General Mattis ignoring the real and present threat of attacks by our SUPPOSED allies on coalition forces.

and now...

*Forcing pilots to fly an airplane that is causing pilots to black out and not having a solution in place.

I truly believe that many years ago military leadership would never have allowed any of the above to have occurred.  The only individual on this list that acted honorably is Army General Shinseki.  He is included because other General's didn't stand up and speak out against the administration.

Rumsfield succeeded in one thing.  He stated that he believed that the Military Leadership had become too powerful and he wanted to reassert civilian dominance.

He won and the American people lost.

Leadership is currently making many decisions that are politically popular and make a minority of the military smile with glee.  But just like in the 60 minutes video, a silent majority of military members are realizing that something is broken.

Its the civilian and military leadership.  Warfighting is no longer job one.

Social programing is.


  1. Two minor points:

    -that would be Adm. Mullen, right?

    - F22: Not having a solution in place _might_ be understandable if they had, at least, a good idea o what was happening and a solution in the pipeline. And they showed some confidence, not just big words.

    Take care

  2. Excellent point on the Afghan nation building project.


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