Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lexington Institute lauds America's Premier Crisis Response Unit.

Daniel Goure talks about the MEU in his article.  A small bit...
Fortunately, the U.S. military has such specialized formations with the inherent capability to respond rapidly to a spectrum of crises ranging from the outbreak of conventional conflict to amphibious raids, special reconnaissance, terrorist incidents, non-combatant evacuations, humanitarian disasters and even partnership training opportunities. I am referring to the Sea Services' team known as the Marine Expeditionary Unit/Amphibious Ready Group (MEU/ARG). The MEU portion of the team consists of a reinforced infantry battalion supported by additional command and control, logistics and aviation elements.
Unfortunately for Marine Corps supporters and theorist the leadership is focused on the Marine Expeditionary Brigade instead of further leveraging and developing the capabilities of the MEU.  With budget cuts coming, it'll be interesting to see which one the Marine Corps bets its future on.


  1. They spelled "Special" wrong in the logo.

  2. If the Corps admits they should hang their covers on the MEU then politicans start to ask why there is a need for a force capable of fielding MEBs and MEFs. If the Corps was truly considered to be the expeditionary force in readiness then parachute ops should be added to the list of capabilities - not just for recon. Deactivate the parachute battalions in the Army - there would be no need for duplication. That would be true expeditionary force. Also, who the hell want's to join the Corps to engage in humanitarian ops - that's as pc gay as Panetta lifting the ban on women in combat. I just threw-up in my mouth.


  3. The Marines aren't focused on the MEB, MAGTF structure is designed to be fluid, scaleable, & task organized. The larger the formation the makeup and organization.

    Take for example Task Force Tarawa (2nd MEB) in OIF 10,000 Man package composed of 2nd MarReg, the Royal Marines 3 Commando Bde, & the 15th MEU(SOC). It was a raid force, very versatile, mobile but muscular w/an armor load out and a lot of Special Missions capability. Which was totally different formation than Task Force Leatherneck, the conventional force that took down Helmand '09. Task Force 58 A' stan '01 was almost a purely Specialized raiding force formed on the fly when the 15th & 26th MEU(SOC)s combined with a stripped down MEB staff of 32 led 1st MEB cmdr BG Mattis (now CentCom cmdr). They combined w/a Navy Seal Task Force led by RADM Hayward to form Task Force K-BAR.

    So much attention is showed to the MEB right now to explore & institutionalize dynamic formations & range of missions.

  4. The MEU's missions are set, its Crisis Response. The MEB's mission is Forced Entry two totally different missions.

    The MEB's mission is more flexible & less defined. The MEU is more singularly focused Crisis Response.


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