Monday, August 24, 2015

Royal Marines looking for a BV206 replacement...

Thanks to Jonathan for the link!

BvS-210 Viking...Royal Marine All Terrain Vehicle.

via Defense News.
"The key user requirements are still to be formally agreed and are not yet ready for public release," he said.
Some details of the requirement could start to emerge at a stakeholder day planned to take place on the sidelines of the DSEi defense exhibition, which opens in London Sept 15.
The MoD spokesman did say though that the British would likely opt to retain a two-unit configuration for its future all-terrain vehicle.
"The most likely solution is a two-car variant. The new capability needs to interface with in-service equipment such as the landing platform dock and landing craft utility Mk10," he said.
More here.

I don't quite get the Brit affection for these vehicles or the configuration.

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