Friday, July 25, 2014

Ukraine. A one sided proxy war and looming economic collapse.

The above video says that the Russians are not only firing across the border but they've also activated Motorized Infantry Battalions.  The Russians are fighting a proxy war and we're sending MRE's and radios.

US and EU foreign policy has completely failed and the sanctions are a sad joke.

But even more frightening is the current economic state of the Ukrainian government.  Russia doesn't need to do anything and I believe these moves are simply to spite President Obama.  What should scare everyone is that a failed state is about exist in the heart of Europe.  An economic recession is bound to hit Europe...they can't afford a full bailout and neither can we.  Even if we could Congress and the American people wouldn't stand for it.

The fighting in this country is now a sideshow to the looming economic misery.  Bosnia is going to look like the good ole' days before this is over.


  1. Solomon, i found these videos, ( both on i posted one of these links before but perhaps no one saw it

    These are the links to watch the vids on funker page.

    If is prohibited to post links to another blog here, just delete the post.

    1. I saw the video of the aftermath, no dispersal of forces and no bodies.
      Not the kind of arty I would have expected just slow steady fire, no drum fire and no sustained explosions or secondary.

  2. That probably was one of main goal of Russian aggression, hit in everything, economy, army, structural integrity. On the level of propaganda and diplomatic.

    France as always will sell weapons to anyone who will pay, Germans have only an moderate position as business is business, UK even using harsh words still sell personal weapons to Russia...

    The U is a fraking joke in UE. And Russians still export terrorism on Ukraine, no wonder that Baltic States are serious afraid. And the rest of Europe... well they are concern.

    I'm fraking ashamed that I'm citizen of United European Coalition of Cowards and Putin bitches.

    1. I absolutely agree. The position of Russian in this issue is very clear to me. It's something like either your people and lands will be a part of our totalitarian empire or we will do all to make your life as the hell, we'll be going to brand you fascists and stifle your economy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ukrainian PM and minsters resigned. Probably don't want to stick around once the citizens of Ukraine get the news that their economy is pretty much dead, and the EU/IMF money went either into failing military campaign, or into the pockets of Poroshenko and his buddies(not a supporter of Putin, to me both Ukrainian and Russian governments are corrupt scumbags). Looks like the fracturing of Ukraine has begun, and it will go along the worst possible "Syrian" scenario.

    I do have one question to ask though. To those of you who live in EU, do the people around there, in their masses, really believe that they can just sit on their buts, while civil war rages in their neighborhood? And that nothing bad will happen to them and their friends, and their lives won't get worse?

    1. You all seem to have short attention span ,ukrainian goverment was never elected but self appointed in a coup ,they are only stepping down because they feel is the right time for an elections that could cement the chocolate king and his chronies in power . Which is an easy win now as parties who oppose them have and will be banned and people in East ukraine who don't like them don't vote.

      In mean time 3rd round of draft form military service is going on and people are pissed of as many now realise they are being lied to big time , kids with couple of days refresher training are being sent to front and many are coming back in body bags du to bad leadership ,particulary bad was the Encirclement of 72nd Guards brigade that came under rebel rocket fire and was decimated without ever seeing the enemy.

    2. Personally as long as nobody opens some cans of instant sunshine I couldn't give a flying fudge about the Ukrainian. The idiots of Kiev only see EU money and easing a way for the professional classes to get of their toilet of a country and work in Western Europe taking our jobs. And where the professional classes go the more entrepreneurial enterprising follow to take our social support and benefits. Honestly I think we will look back on the days when Eastern Europe was under the USSR as the good old days.

      As for Hamas well more Third World scum who abuse the Palestinian people (if there is such a thing as a Palestinian another modern invention post Balfour) 365 24/7/ What Western Europe doesn't realise is that give a Hamas a green light today and their friends will be solidifying their inner cities ghettos in our cities tomorrow.

    3. The icing on the cake in terms of Gaza conflict is that Hamas commander is boasting and smartassing around from a cushy office in Quatar ,the same place there Taliban also hold an office and the same country that along with Saudi Arabia fueled many of middle easts terror organisations and is now also one of the US biggest arms customers.

    4. The thing is - chaos spreads. Thats just how it works, if you dont help your neighbor put out the fire, or at least not take precautions to stop the spread of it, then your house will be up in flames before you notice. I don't see Europe doing anything to help put out flames in Ukraine, or to prepare itself for the spread of the civil wars. Poland being the only exception. Ukraine is not the only country in Europe with failing economy, corrupt leadership and impotent military.

  5. Ukraine might just become the "Palestine" of Europe. One country wants to capture it all, the other bunch of countries can only stand on the side and provide "Moral Support" knowing full well that if they accept Ukraine and all its problems it will be a Financial Suicide.

    Ukraine like Palestine is now reaching the status of "Nobody's Child".

    Usually an airline crash incident is political capital for politicians but this recent crash is being pushed away by Barge-poles by "World Leaders".

    Every thing about Ukraine is being pushed away with barge-poles which is why you are not seeing any serious commitment by the western world here apart from non contoversial items like food and radios and uniforms and other non lethal aid.

    1. That's why I said weeks ago that Europe would eventually welcome a Russian annexation of the entire Ukraine. They can't save it themselves, yet they can't let it become Somalia either. Leaving a Russian takeover as the only eventual option. Putin knows this, so he stokes the anarchy every way that he can while avoiding direct action.

  6. Dima Wisotski - yep you said it "really believe that they can just sit on their buts". There's probably concern when they really think about it, but it more likely concern about 'refugees'. Also the border to Romania is probably fairly porous, so once they come across and get false papers, then whole of Europe is there for them. Russia might just get all of Ukraine as it's peoples migrate into Europe.

    Also look at today's BBC wed page, no mention of Ukraine other than one article on the abandoned crash site.

    The Israelis are providing a nice cover for Western politicians to hide behind and distract their peoples.

    1. Well, I am an Israeli. And even though it would probably sound offensive, but after all the crap I heard about what me and my country are going through, I honestly believe that EU citizens fully deserve the mess they are about to get. Yes, people gonna die. But its their own fault, and they will get 0 sympathy for me, the same way my country gets shunned every time it gets attacked, but when we suddenly fight back, all hell breaks loose in Europe. Guess what, Karma does exist. I just wonder why they are still sitting on their asses, when everything is so painfully obvious.

  7. Ukraine is a kleptocracy on the african level, even Yeltsin's Russia or Albania and Kosovo are more serious as States, and they are also waging war as a african nation. The western part of the country is culturally european, the eastern part is culturally russian with many nostalgics of the former Soviet Union.
    They totally abandoned their armed forces since the 90's, only having a underpaid force with no modern materiel because everything could be sell to make money for some elites.
    This state of things is hardly the fault of the UE or even Putin.
    Had Ukraine have a serious army (they have all the means to do have one, theorically) during the Crimean snatch up by Putin's minions, anything of what is happening now would have been nearly impossible: the green men ''reneactors'' would hardly have taken Crimea and the anti maidan revolt would have been crushed in a few days as they only had a few hundred soviet veterans in the beginning.
    Ukraine is not in the Nato, not in the EU, doesn`t have direct allies...I hardly see what can be done, now, as the country is falling apart and still in the hand of criminal oligarchs.

  8. The Ukrainians should blow up the gas pipeline, to remove the roadblock from western Europe getting involved, so maybe for once in the last quarter of a millennium that part of the world can solve their own problems. Is it really a problem, the issue in Ukraine, if the neighbors don't give a shit? What kind of leader abandons their country in the middle of a siege? Their F---ing PM doesn't even believe in his country.
    Not to be a DB, but this conflict has been decided, they might as well give the Russians the keys, because NO ONE included the U.S. is going to do shit.
    Re: Balrog2005 comment: "Ukraine is not in the Nato, not in the EU, doesn`t have direct allies...I hardly see what can be done, now, as the country is falling apart and still in the hand of criminal oligarchs."
    - The United States and the United Kingdom both signed "The Budapest Memorandum" in 1994 which included security assurances against hostile actions that may be taken by other states. Our word/signature doesn't matter anymore, good luck....

    1. >The Ukrainians should blow up the gas pipeline, to remove the roadblock from western Europe getting involved,

      Are you sure that such an excellent move will get them involved on Ukrainian side?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yes, it takes away the reason why they are there and it loosens Putin control of the natural gas/energy supply to Western Europe (allowing them to act). Moreover, they could claim the Russians Separatist blew it up, at the direction of Moscow and turn Putin's tactics back on him. If hostilities continue after the destruction of the pipeline, then we have a humanitarian crisis, which is really bad for public imagine and it gives the west another reason to act. So it is win/win for the Ukraine, it would probably stimulate their economy with the injection of foreign capital to reconstruct the pipeline and create jobs, which are desperately needed in the Ukraine.

    4. Wil Price, that's an interesting idea but I really hope they won't need to blow up pipelines.

    5. Stop.
      You seriously think that all that bound EU is simply this pipe, and, shall it be erased, - EU will be instantly free?
      Well, some simple explanation:
      (1)Europe isn't supplied with russian gas only through Ukraine - where still is northern pipe.
      (2)Europe can't be right now supplied sufficiently otherwise - where is no possibility to rapidly amass sufficient amounts, and current state of pipe network simply do not allow different solutions, significant part of europe will have their share of problems.
      (3)You really consider EU intelligence services impotent, don't you?
      It's harder to proove so,ething on public, but things like this can't be hidden, at least on higher levels. And this is not internal policy, this is direct intervention in EU own buiseness and life.
      (4)Ukraine itself is quite reliant on reverse supply from eu contries, - the very same countries you propose to forcefully disconnect.
      (5)Right now it won't be stimulation of Ukrainian economycs, it will be their death - state already struggles to found ongoing operation, and you want to add some sh1t atop; conventional war in the east ain't cheap, and we're here talking about country with per capita gdp... well, Chinese is x2 larger.

      As a net result - your proposal can be considered as suicidal for this country. Kitchen geopolitics don't work in real life.

    6. Igor two things, number ONE eat a dick and number two please see my responses below, i will refrain from using large words...
      1. Well no shit, my suggestions is based on economics and practicability. Do you remember your intro in economics? What happens when supply decreases? Price increases, correct. Will someone try to take something they know you do not posses, no.
      2. Correct, urgency would be created by the drastic decrease in capacity, which in turn will force action. Good I want significant portions of Europe to be effect, maybe you will finally other than run your dick suckers.
      3. no I don't, I implied that as with the Russian claim that they did not have troops on the ground, that a claim by the Ukraine that they destroyed the pipeline would be equally laughable, but yet again no one would do anything about the lie and be forced to deal with the immediate problem.
      4. I don't believe you understand the premise of the solution it has a few parts. blowing up the pipeline has the following effects (1) putin, losses his ability to control western Europe, because they will be forced to either look to alternate sources or deal with the situation vigorously to ensure a quick and tidy results. (2) it negates the purpose for the Russian interest in the Ukraine, unless we really believe that putin is there to liberate the oppressed ethnic Russians. (3) it makes it everyone's problem and it forces Europe to come together and confront a joint issue. (4) possible side benefit is job creation and additional foreign investment, other than Russian.
      5. Will the Ukraine economy be better when putin takes over? How is Georgia doing? At least on its own it has the ability to decide its destiny, not what some other nation decides is best for its future.
      Please define kitchen politics, or your idea of them? My idea is a simple solution that is meant to motivate action, that everyone in this part of the work seems either unable or unwilling. I swear Europeans idea of patriotism is root for their country in the world cup. The Ukrainians are throwing picnics looking at orange tanks, they need to get their shit wired tight and quick, they cant fight so they need out of the box solutions. Whether or not it hurts the Ukrainian economy is immaterial, because unless they do something the Ukraine will cease to exist as a sovereign nation.
      One last thing, Take more time when you read so you can better comprehend, it helps when making arguments.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. As I said when all this began, Ukraine should just accept being a vassal state of Russia, otherwise the Russian's will destroy the place and take over the wreckage.
    The Russian's are serious about Ukraine and will fight hard for the region and to keep it.
    It is their entrance to a warm water port and their launching area for any ops inside the middle east via the black sea.
    It has a narrow strait and can be bottled up to prevent entrance or exit easy.
    A slow build up of forces will cause the Ukraine to collapse anyway and it might as well be intact and functional for it's people even under Russian rule.
    The US needs to stay out of this, Ukraine is a very sensitive area for Putin.

    1. And you would be so willing that your nation became a vassal of other country?

  10. I don't think Ukraine is in as bad a situation. The gov forces have made great progress (regardless of losses being higher than should be they are acceptable). The gov forces are being shelled from Russia proper because they have moved into positions cutting the roads from rebel held areas to mother Russia. Russia's proxy has not been able to resist this push and so is now requiring overt Russian support to keep the supply lines open. The last two major rebel held cities are seeing the rebel forces losing ground with Luhansk seeing rebels pushed to the city center and encircled (go look at a map when Luhansk falls the rebels will be cut off from Russian re-supply), if Luhansk falls the rebellion is over.

    Russia doesn't have the military capability to go into mainland Ukraine. Russia could steam roll the Ukrainian military but the day after holding it would require hundreds of thousands of Russian conscripts which will have blow back that makes the Chechniya years look like the glory days. Not to mention the Russian economy would see real sanctions and cost in such a move plus the huge military expense is a expense Putin is not going to risk.

    Russia cannot cut off the oil to Ukraine without cutting the oil off to Europe. There will be shortages and stress but they will not shut off the tap and Ukraine will not just let the oil go by without siphoning off what the minimum must have. Europe will squeal Russia will not risk losing all of their EU leverage so after some jaw jaw a compromise will be made just as last time after the orange revolution.

    Bottom line I see Ukraine securing the east in the next few months leading to standard internal political bickering and russian manipulation via corruption. Without Crimea Ukraine will have western leaning govs (not super majorities so division bickering will be) from here out so they will not accept its loss but will not really do anything to try to get it back either. Russia will be satisfied they proved their balls still swing, the EU/US still must respect them, they hold Crimea even thou not recognized by anyone but them, and they can continue to meddle in Ukraine keeping it divided, broken, weak. W Europe will get their cheep gas from Russia stay warm and keep cutting the mil for politick vote buying. E Europe will increase their mil spending something they should have done before not after the bear come out of its hibernation. The US well under O will continue to give jaw jaw, apologies, love to our enemies and pressure our allies to do the same, if post 16' a new repub pres we will go back to standard arming our allies and threatening our enemies.

  11. First I’m not saying that Russia has no fault nor I'm against US since everyone pursuit their own objectives, what is clear is that this conflict could have been stopped at the beginning when we were still in Maidan plaza in place of fomenting the conflict (like McCain talks in the square or Russian gas ultimatum)

    I'm sick of reading EU here Eu there. Lets be clear
    -Germany, first trade partner with Russia, this leave clear their position, this include their area of influence Austria/Czech/Slovakia/Benelux(before they downed the airplane) and Den.
    -Italy, second trade partner with Russia, it has even more economic ties than Germany since we import a lot of energy from Africa. Plus we have the biggest leftist party (and leftist history) from the other European countries.
    -France, the fact they are still selling the Minstral leave no doubt on their position.

    Now here comes what I hate more, the ones that have pushed for the Maidan conflict.

    -First all the Europarlament politics that just wanted to earn east europe votes.
    -UK, by reading The economist and other newspapers they hard pushed for this conflict
    -Poland, they are pursuing the missile shield alone even after US scrapped their one, same with the Baltic countries and their paranoia.

    Worst side of this? All the people that have pushed for this conflict doesn't even use the Euro, Poland is still postponing the adoption of the common currency and Baltic countries just entered the Union. They are not in nor out of the union. I’m really waiting for that IN/OUT referendum in UK.

    1. Poland is pursuing a missile shield? And where you get that info? Not to mention that US start to INSTALL an land based Aegis radar in Poland. The Polish economic system is not ready to integrate the Euro, we don't want to end like Greece.

    2. You are correct i confused your AMD program with the installation of the NATO BMD that will be operative in 2018.

      And it is obvious as you wrote that you won't use the Euro because it would sink your growth

      What i was referring is that this problem has been mainly created by a group of countries(you have started pushing for Ukraine integration since 2005, in the group i'm including baltic countries too) that weight less than 3,55% of EU's GDP, when we still haven't integrated a lot more important countries like Romania or Bulgaria and at the same we have more problems inside our borders like the Balcans.

    3. Poland did not push any type of integration of Ukraine with EU as an member state. We both know that Ukraine will be not part of EU for a fraking long time. Maybe even never. Baltic States also did not push it as they had no interest in Ukraine. The only way they see it is by the prism of possible similar scenario that Russia can enforce inside them. They have rather large numbers of ethnic Russians inside own borders.

      Eurozone is complicated thing, the first line was 2016 but after problems inside the zone and crisis... that Poland survive almost unscratched being a something of oddity with only country in Europe with GDP on + and many say it's because we ware still outside Eurozone. Today the line is more in 2018-2020... but everything can change.

      The source of problem is complex, nobody is without fault. EU did not act perfectly, they did not even act like grown man. But they are not aggressors in this conflict and we really don't need "European Syria" on borders of EU.

    4. ... Not pushing for ukraine integration? Please read yourself what PISM was writing before everything went to hell.

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