Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bombogenesis? Bombo-idiocy!

This is from NBC News...yesterday....
While millions of Americans gear up for likely historic snowfall this week, they should also prepare for a blizzard of the latest meteorological buzzword: bombogenesis. In simple terms, bombogenesis is the equivalent of a "meteorological bomb," according to The Weather Channel's Kevin Roth. It occurs when a storm's area of lowest pressure experiences a rapid drop of more than 24 milibars in 24 hours. "This turns a routine storm into an intense storm very quickly," Roth told NBC News.
While not uncommon for this time of year, a period of bombogenesis between midday Monday and midday Tuesday could trigger record snow. More than two feet of snow is expected to bring "paralyzing, crippling" conditions for a 250-mile stretch from Philadelphia, through New York and Boston to northern New England. "This storm has a bundle of energy," Roth said. When bombogenesis starts to happen, coupled with the cold air over the U.S. hitting the warm Gulf Stream, "that's when the show will really begin," he added.
Conspiracy hat on.

I TRULY BELIEVE that they were going to slingshot from this "historic" snow storm straight into a push for a carbon tax and intensified talk of global warming...oh wait, they call it climate change now.

Bombogenesis?  Bombo-idiocy!  Someone, somewhere tell me where that term came from!  I'm fairly well informed and never heard it before this storm.

This was a made for TV event for some agenda and it fell flat.  I LOVE IT.


  1. "While not uncommon for this time of year,"......he'll create a scary story out of it anyhow, with a really scary label "bombogenesis" and then his weather report will gain more viewers and more advertisers and he'll get a big raise and live happily ever after.

  2. I doubt anyone will be pushing for carbon tax ,more likely dumb fu*ks will see snow storm as a contradiction to global warming. ''How can it be warming if we have snow outside'' ,snow storms and snow are only problematic for people not used or equiped for them .Example In much of Europe you have mandatory winter tires(work like nite and day compared to normal tire) on cars in winter season and most shit is avoided while people living on the coasts don't need to have winter gear so couple inches of snow stops everything.

  3. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell they could get that through. Doesn't mean the liberals won't try though obviously. I would expect to see more things along what Obama outlined. Higher taxes on those making 100k and over in order to finance more freebies for everyone else.

    1. Punitive Taxation 'due to excess success' as work ethic makes enemies of everyone.

      GDP improvement is where you gain back tax revenues and the easiest way to do that, in a 'service economy' without serious manufacturing gains, is to employ robotics systems which replace menial laborers with sole-source work gangs of owned hands.

      This is the key to future economies because it takes the control over the national system out of 'process ownership' of the stock and patent crowd (2-10%) and puts it back into the hands of the effects drivers of society.

      The other key to improving all our lifestyles is to switch to a dual system of social credits and living wage. Everyone gets a living wage sufficient to keep a roof over their heads, just on the simple math of: 24,000/40,000/100,000 (low, max, ultra max) per prisoner vs. 7,800 dollars for an SSI condition.

      But. If you want to have kids or just 'a life', you have to have a license and if you are not really 'good at anything', becoming a licensed electrician, plumber, carpenter, landscaper, garbage man, or roadway repair worker is hard while nobody likes retail sales or stockroom work or stoop labor in the fields.

      Which means that you use robotics to do it, via downloadable templates, and then allocate out your skillsets on a 24:7:365 basis of NEED rather than desire.

      With humans driving the 'bots about. Filling their fuel tanks and doing routine maintenance on what is basically a savant capability.

      The social credit system works by putting lump summing all purchases through a government purchasing agency so that maximum profits can be attained on licensed goods through group purchase. Hence if you want a car, fully paid for with five years of insurance, you do a couple years of 'X level' labor contribution and BAM. You're on the list and depending on your total accreditation (possibly biddable) you're closer to the front which means, if the country can only afford to import or build X many Lexus or BMW or Landrovers or Escalades, you are assured a top spot.

      Before beginning again on the next item on your list.

      Inexpensive, quality (automan produced) manufactured goods WITH LONG SERVICE LIVES encourages people to become vested in owning rather than renting their lives and in passing on their wealth to kindred to build class status.

      This is the future of our nation. And it is something that could be built outwards through the homelands of, rather than no-borders+welfare state inviting-disaster inwards, all the other populations of the planet.

    2. Robots:

      1. Never age.
      2. Never ask for a raise.
      3. Never have cost of living/child care expenses.
      4. Can be made modular and thus highly upgradable and thus labor pool flexible with 24:7:365
      availability, even as their nominal owners sleep.
      5. Can contribute to social wealth (i.e. paying for the useless eaters) on a '1 in 5' basis of required
      taxation on a persons social-credit, not primary income.
      6. Are cascadable, through surplus sales, from government/military use to FLOOD society with labor
      effectors which are in turn restrictable to 'private ownership only, never more than 10' as the
      enablers of lower classes.

      The Proletariat are lazy, stupid, selfish smurfs. But if you make it worth their while with some sponsored training and an easy, biddable, online process for applying for various jobs with differential social credits depending on coverage and need, you can encourage the 92,269,000 Americans who are not working back into the 'get a life!' game.

      And if they don't, we should support their life choices, right into genetic oblivion. First welfare check comes with a doctors appointment for a tubal ligation or vasectomy.

      Think about that. 62.8 percent of the population are carrying the rest. They deserve a huge reward for doing so but they cannot get it because they are maxed out on productivity. But if they had 10 hands instead of 2, they could bid on better jobs and be part of an elite and exclusive club of "We get access to the good stuff, nyeh!" social snobbery while the rest made do with junk consumer goods and basic rent.

      This is the way forwards. This is a positive and negative Eugenics outcome that doesn't require genocide or racism to select the best among us to succeed. Just make your choice and we will support you. Either way.

  4. The term "bomb" has been around in meteorology since at least the 80s. "Bombogenesis" seems to be really new. Maybe newscasters have trouble saying "meteorological", and the genesis part makes it sound like a biblical storm. I think the media just wanted something new; the storm is a Nor'easter, and that term has been around for a few hundred years.

  5. Its been on Wiktionary since 2006.


  6. For real fun and excitement turn to the west coast and research what is happening to lakes Meade and Powell, pretty much every reservoir in California, and the irrigation system in the California Central Valley. The reservoirs are almost dry, the rivers are dry, and the farmers are pumping the aquifers underneath them so fast that the land is subsiding between an inch and a foot a year. Some of Americas most productive farmland is about to turn into a desert, and major urban settings like SF, SD, LA, and Vegas are about to find themselves high and dry.

    Its about time for a Dustbowl reenactment.

    The farmers are blaming the environmentalists (damn smelt), the city folk are blaming the farmers (damn pistachio trees) , the poor are blaming the rich (Damn golfcourses), and everyone is blaming the weathermen(damn drought),

    But they all are ignoring the really bad fact, that this problem is way deeper then a long-term lack of precipitation. The entire logistics chain from Colorado mountain top tip to beachfront tail, (and the aquifers underneath) is dry. They've pulled too hard from a finite resource. It could rain for days, and it won't fix the dry dirt, rivers, lakes, and mountaintops. Things are going to get interesting in the next decade or two.


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