Sunday, November 20, 2022

Is Israel arming insurgents in Iran?

Hmm. The protests in Iran continue without let up so one would ASSUME that they're receiving outside support. Israel doing this? Yeah I can see that quite easily especially with Bibi being back in charge. The US? Not so much. Biden wants that deal so bad he can taste it. Who else? Really not sure. Like Grandma used to say...plenty of people throw rocks and hide their hands...

How is this possible? A 29 foot crocodile in Maine?

How is this even remotely possible. First the thing is 29 feet long. That means its old as hell but somehow escaped detection ... IN MAINE??? Next you have the hard fact that crocs aren't native to the US much less NORTHERN US! Finally I wonder how this thing survives the fridgid as fuck winters up there. I somehow think the internet is being punked on this one.

Video of the new Turk high speed drone

Russian forces are using thermite in mass on Berestove?

The new Turk high speed drone looks awesome!


Winter in Ukraine looks to be bad...probably the biggest killer on the battlefield...

If these pics are correct then Winter will be the biggest killer on the battlefield.

Iranian Security Forces are going hard core against protesters

Eyes on this guys. It's been brewing for least a month? This is the type of thing you see before govts fall. The worry? Iran probably has nukes, it has the Revolutionary Guard and its the main supplier of many terror groups in the region if not the world. SOCOM better be doing function checks on their weapons and kissing their wives, girlfriends, mistresses, sidechicks good bye. I'm betting they're gonna be back to extended deployments in a familiar part of the world real soon. Same goes for the Israelis.

Germany: "We have to assume that there will be blackouts this winter," says the head of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.


The German people are in denial but the German govt is trying to prepare them...Winter is gonna BITCH SLAP Europe!

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Turkey carries out massive airstrikes in Syria...


Curious choice of target here. Why attack Assad-SDF positions? Unless Turkey is claiming a link between the YPG and Syria.  I do know they've linked the US with the YPG and their leadership appears pissed!

Different subject.

The USMC says its a one war force now.

Don't know the stance that the Navy, Air Force and Army are taking but if for instance we have Ukraine/Russia continuing and something big and bad pops off in the Middle East our force is gonna be strained to react.

Of course that might not be a bad thing.  We need to pick and choose where we get involved and stop acting as "America World Police!"

Twitter is far from dead...its about to boom!


This is crazy but I'll say it.  Look at the work force.  Male.  Overwhelmingly male but there is more.

Asian.  Indian. A few white boys.  A couple of females but guess what.  They're Asian from what I can see.

I wonder how many are native born American.  I wonder how many are here on visas or have been naturalized.

No matter what you do, if you're surrounded by grinders you're gonna up your game (which is why lowering standards is so fucking dangerous!).

Surround yourself by laziness and you will become lazy.

I personally would like to see more blacks in the above pic but  if this is what he attracts then it is what it is.

Twitter is gonna be fine.  More than fine, it's gonna be a different animal altogether.