Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Motorized Litter? Wasteful and obvious.

Thanks Frank for the link!!!

They're trying real hard to sell this wasteful bit of tech, but the truth is a bit more sinister in my opinion.

They're trying to negate the effects of female's lack of upper body strength when it comes to pushing them into the Infantry.

This thing is a waste of money and its obviously a trinket to push the agenda of the Obama administration onto the Marine Corps.

Pathetic.  Everytime I get to a point of wanting to give this disgraceful cabal at HQMC a break, they give me another reason to want to throat punch the entire lot of them.

The Brits fucked up with regard to defending Camp Bastion/Leatherneck.

via ThinkDefence.
Insufficient attention to external assault
Insufficient attention was given to the fundamental requirement of defending Camp Bastion from external assault. The Committee believes that this was complacent. Given that the attack took place in the British sector of the camp, British commanders must bear a degree of responsibility for these systemic failures and associated reputational damage.
They're late, but I'll take it.

Shit happens in combat, I understand that, but the chest thumping by the Royal Air Force Security Regiment (or whatever they call themselves) had me high and to the right.

This is the danger of coalition warfare and something that the Marine Corps is suppose to be insulated against.  YOU DO NOT DEPEND ON ANOTHER UNIT FOR YOUR SECURITY!  I don't care who they are!

That's TBS week 1 shit. But looking at the bigger picture, blame is irrelevant.  Move on to the next episode and make sure the lessons are learned from this.

Blast from the past. Weserflug P1003/1

An amazing "theoretical" airplane that never got built.  The similarities to aircraft that came much later are obvious though.  I wonder how much of our current tech (or the ideas) come from Hitler's Germany?

Japan's homegrown stealth fighter prototype to fly this year..

Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera has reaffirmed the nation's plan for a 2014 first flight of the Advanced Technology Demonstrator-X (ATD-X) fighter: a prototype for a future fighter to replace the Japan Air Self-Defence Force's Mitsubishi F-2.
"In February I myself visited at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries' (MHI's) Komaki Minami plant where the ATD-X is being built," Onodera told the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the Upper House on 10 April. "There I was briefed that the first flight will take place this year."
Well this is something.

The Japanese might develop a more formidable air superiority airplane than the F-35 in a much shorter time.   

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Russian separatist active in Estonia and Moldova??!!!!


This shit is getting real.

Fox News is reporting that Russian separatist are active in Estonia and Moldova.  Shots fired, officials harassed...that kind of thing.

Why does this get my feathers ruffled?

Estonia is part of NATO.

We can't sit on the sidelines if things go south there.  We will be committed.  Europe will be committed.  Even if its just sanctions against Russia then this is turning into a huge shit sandwich for the world.


Because Russia's economy will tank.  The European economy will tank because they'll have to pay higher prices for fuel from other sources.  The world economy will slow down (if not tank) because speculators will jack up the price even beyond the natural increase that will occur.

Globalization is about to get shot in the head (if these reports are accurate).

More to come.

Bisping has really cut up....

Kennedy vs. Bisping tomorrow night.  Read the Army Times take on the fight here.

I can't lie.  I hope Kennedy pushes the guys nose back into his brain, but Bisping has really cut up.  I guess he's taking the fight seriously.  My prediction?  Kennedy will out muscle him easily and Bisping will try to take the fight to the mat and hope his endurance can get him a win.

Kennedy wins by KO in the 3rd round.

LCU-F. A second look.

Time to give the LCU-F a second look.


Quite honestly because Amos seems infatuated with it.  During recent speeches, he almost identifies the LCU-F as the future of ship to shore connectors (or something REMARKABLY like it).

So is this something that might be of benefit?  I'm not sure but its definitely worth a second gander.  The PDF outlining the proposal is here.