Tuesday, February 12, 2019

How to Control What People Do | Propaganda - EDWARD BERNAYS | Animated Book Summary

Any of this seem familiar?  Any of this sounds like what you see every afternoon on the evening news?

We're all walking, talking experiments in societal control.  How do you fight back?  You think independently.  You don't have to like a particular person or thing or idea, but that doesn't mean that they or it is bad.

Dare to think!

Strive not to be controlled!

The Dagny Dagger. Real or Memorex? What do you guys think?

Nice marketing but I've never heard of these people before.  Either they're a start up that hit on something the big boys missed or its all fluff, rainbows and unicorns.

Heard nothing about this thru other gun guys...


Just plain wow!

Sources from BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES say that the Senate Intel Committee has found no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia.

This explains alot.

This tells us why the US Southern District Of New York has been going after Trump finances.  This tells us why we HAVE YET to see any indictment of ANYONE that was involved in what was suppose to be the main effort of this investigation.

It is as I said it was.

This whole thing was to throw Trump off his stride of implementing his agenda. This was a political game to gain seats for the Dems in Congress and to weaken the Republican Party.

This was a psyops exercise against the American people by elements of our own govt along with political operatives and deep state individuals (govt employees with certain political beliefs).

The threat never was Russia.

The threat IS from inside.

US Army Stryker Dragoons hacked? Ok. "Tactical Cyber" appears to be a thing...but how do we counter it?

via The Drive.
It’s been more than a year since the first up-gunned Stryker Dragoon armored vehicles arrived in Europe, giving elements of the U.S. Army’s forward-deployed 2nd Cavalry Regiment a much-needed boost in firepower against potential threats. Since then, unfortunately, unspecified “adversaries” – a term the U.S. military has used in the past to describe the Russians, but that could also mean surrogate opponents during an exercise – have also been able to disrupt certain systems on the vehicles with a cyber attack on at least one occasion.
Story here. 

Ok.  I stand corrected.

Tactical Cyber appears to be a thing.

But what is the right approach to this thing?  Adding a "Cyber" Marine to every Squad seems like a recipe for mess.  Is one guy running around with a laptop gonna be able to do what's necessary to keep what the article is talking about from happening?

Is the Marine Corps looking at this in a way that I'm unaware of?

My point is this.  Russians go heavy and hard.  They have electronic warfare vehicles out blasting trons all over the place.  Unless we have assets that will do the same then I don't think that the solution rests with the ground forces (well maybe the Army but I see no indication that they're trying to match Russian assets).  That means we're back to relying on aviation to deliver the punch.

I would think our limited supply of Growlers will be busy protecting the fleet. The Army has no such vehicles in service or projected.  Our ships to my knowledge don't have an electronic warfare capability either (at least that can do what our adversaries can).

So what do we do?

The weird thing?  I'm not sure we have our "cooperative engagement" net up and running but it seems like at least the Russians are already drinking the Army's milkshake.

Even worse?  If Army units are vulnerable then that means so are USMC units.

Playtime is over.  Past time to get to work.  The next war will be wild and wooly and electronic/cyber warfare will play a bigger part than I imagined (and I imagined it would be huge...especially electronic warfare).

Read the article, not once but at least twice.  It's quite sobering.

Pride of the Pacific: At Sea...Video by Cpl. Matthew Teutsch

NICELY DONE VID!  I'm really digging what Combat Camera is doing.  Well done boys!

Namer IFV is more heavily armored than the Merkava IV ... more heavily armored than any other vehicle of any type in the world???

Just ran across the above vid and was floored by the claim.  Is it true?  If so then ... wow!  I had no idea.  Kinda makes sense though.  Retaining the same weight class but doing away with the turret had to yield benefits.  Instead of keeping the same base armor and being lighter the Israelis plowed it back into protection. 

Is this what the US Army is aiming for in the Next Gen Combat Vehicle?

Side note.  STILL LOV THAT TURRET!!!  I really hope the USMC is considering it for the ACV.  Built in anti-tank missile system?  Built in anti-tank missile launchers?  Plus a 30mm cannon?  Seems kinda hard to beat in an extremely neat and apparently compact package!

Open Comment Post. 12 Feb 2019

Iron Fist 19....video by Sgt. Antonio Campbell

Kearsarge Flight Operations...pics by Cpl. Micah Roe

MAGTF-6: Advanced Motorized Operations Course....pics by Pfc. Skylar M. Harris