Monday, July 06, 2020

What's your take on Russia paying a bounty to the Taliban to kill US troops?

I've been watching this story percolate for a few days now and I'm of mixed opinion on it.

Quite honestly I don't know how "excited" I can get by the news.  The Taliban were attacking and trying to kill our troops for the longest time now.  I BELIEVE they would have attacked and tried to kill our troops without or without bounties by the Russians.

I also believe in big boy games.  We played them when the Russians were in Afghanistan and the Russians, Iranians, Chinese, Pakistan and others are playing them now that we're in that country.

I also have extreme difficulty in thinking that CENTCOM, SOCOM, the CIA, DIA and others weren't trying to run all involved to ground...behind the scenes maybe but everyone involved in these bounties I'm sure were probably targeted with quite a few Ninja Hellfires.

Lastly I'm a bit miffed with the National Security Council.  That place is leaking more than a busted pipe on a 100 year old building.

So yeah.  I'm not exactly excited or perturbed by this news. 

I could be wrong.

Tell me why.

Indian Army DRDO WhAP during high altitude test, off road mobility test and floatation test.

If I led Indian Army acquisitions I would look around the world and see what's being produced in the 8x8 market and simply get some great tech transfer agreement and get something now instead of another struggle with development.

Since they're obviously looking at an amphibious requirement that knocks out everyone's favorite (apparently), the Boxer.  If swimming wasn't necessary I wouldn't even bother with that expensive piece of gear and would instead approach the Israelis to see what could happen with the EITAN.

But swim is a requirement so I'd talk to the S. Koreans about the Tigon (?), and ESPECIALLY Patria about their AMV and even Singapore about their 8x8 rig.

I'm not so sure about the USMC's ACV.  Our vehicle might be biased a bit more toward the swim requirement than they're looking for.

Open Comment Post. 6 July 2020

Synthetic Brigade of the 81st Army of the Central Theater Army?

Note.  Wonder what the definition of a "synthetic brigade" is for the Chinese Army?  I also note that the Chinese Army is REAL BIG on parades.  That's telling but quite put my finger on why.

unrelated pic to this discussion but I saw it recently on Twitter and was wondering if anyone knew anything about these MRAP/Utility vehicles...

Saturday, July 04, 2020

We're about to seize Iranian Tankers headed to Venezuela?


2020 is the year that just keeps on giving!  Why now?  There is an oil glut currently, Iran and Venezuela are practically isolated internationally and both countries are hurting badly.

The current dynamics of the situation seem quite favorable so why risk this type of escalation?

Curious as hell the calculus behind this thing.  Hate to follow the old chestnut of following the money but this would raise oil prices globally in an instant if we did this and Saudi Arabia (as well as Russia, US oil etc...) would benefit greatly.

Operator from the Norwegian Special Operation Command (Forsvarets Spesialkommando, FSK) with their Taiga winter uniform/apparel

The gear looks right.  Maybe we should just piggyback off the Norwegian work on winter uniforms and just adopt their ensemble.  I mean they are subject matter experts in fighting up North.

St Louis couple vs protesters...should they have stood their ground or bugged out? (Video)

Still digesting this thing.  I thought the video could start a discussion on the event.

Knowing many in my audience I have little hope that it will constructive (some of you are rigid and don't consider circumstances, tactics etc...just ideological to the extreme), but many others will add useful thoughts so I'll take the chance.

One thing pops for me though.

Unless you're in a complete breakdown of social order then any action will be fraught with legal danger.  I agree with the author of the video.  Removing yourself from major population centers (work wherever but avoid living in big cities) is probably your first defense.

Happy 4th!

God Bless America...

This could have ended so badly...

Trying to decide if this is gutsy, or just plain stupid.  This could have ended so badly...

Polish Rosomak 8x8 wheeled APC in #Afghanistan got hit by a RPG-7

Unrealized replacement of the Tu-142. Visualization of the appearance of the An-171

Found on Reddit's Weird Wings.

The comments are interesting.  I'm not an aviation guy so I don't know if they're right or wrong but it's a compelling discussion.  Reddit isn't all trash.  You should check out some of the military/gun/fitness related forums.

Open Comment Post. 4 July 2020