Monday, August 08, 2011

Lockheed Martin. Time to stop getting bitch slapped.


How many times do you let someone slap you in the face before you decide enough is enough?


Lockheed Martin.  Are you stupid, crazy, and insane?  Do you have a weird fetish where you like getting beat up?  Do you get off on having your products slammed?

Are you pussy personified?

Sweetman's latest post (read it here--note its thinly veiled as a critique of USAF procurement but its just another F-35 bash post with a dose of F-22 thrown in to make the European Aircraft Industry smile) is another slap in the face.  Yes, I know Lockheed Martin Execs....the Editor over at that shop has tried to play nice and muzzle his Dark Lord, but its obviously not working.

You, Lockheed Martin, need to realize that the Dark Lord is playing for blood.  Its going to take more than just the Commandant of the Marine Corps out front defending your product.  You have to get tough.  You have to get real. 

You have to show some freaking backbone.

Cancel your advertising to Aviation Week.  You'll send a message that won't be ignored.  Favorable news articles isn't what you're after....just a little fairness in reporting.

1 comment :

  1. how can he speak favorably of the 22 when its still grounded as well!


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