Saturday, July 14, 2012

Commandant orders acronym BAMCIS replaced with RIMJOB

via DuffleBlog.
Camp Pendleton, CA – While many in the military are familiar with current troop leading procedures, the Pentagon has proposed a change to streamline the steps and standardize mission planning across the force.
The Army’s troop leading steps — represented by the acronym RIMSRCIS, and the Marines’ ‘BAMCIS’ are soon to be replaced by a new seven-step benchmark.
Behind the change are the Intelligence Analysts with the Production & Analysis Company of 1st Intelligence Battalion. The Marines of P&A Co, or “PANDA” as they call themselves, have teamed up with their Army counterparts — and have worked together to improve mission plans throughout the military.
Using a PowerPoint presentation that was sloppily constructed by one of his analysts, First Lieutenant Arnold Chartier unveiled the new procedures on Wednesday.
“BAMCIS was nice, but it really left a lot of room for interpretation, and here in PANDA — that was a serious problem,” begins Chartier.
Aiming his laser pointer at slide one, he continues, “Steps one and two are ‘Receive Mission’ and then ‘Issue Warning Order’. Simple enough. Then we get serious with step three and ‘Make Initial Plan’.”
Chartier says they added this step because the plan always changes and is finalized later in the process.
“Step four is ‘Juxtapose Best and Worst Case Scenarios’. We know most grunts can’t spell, let alone pronounce a word like juxtapose, but we feel it’s important to be prepared for possible problems that come up during a mission.”
Moving ahead to the final slide, Chartier is excited to show the final three steps.
“The final steps are ‘Organize Final Plan’, then of course ‘Begin The Mission’, and most importantly, ‘Supervise’ to ensure completion. It’s quite simple and we believe this will really help us conduct better missions.”
Major Richard Wagner with Weapons Company, 1st Battalion, 4th Marines, was pleasantly surprised by the change.
“The entire planning process is much more understandable after introducing RIMJOBS to my Marines,” said Wagner. “Honestly, I think I might even take it home and see how my wife feels about RIMJOBS. She’s fairly disorganized and could use a tool like this.”
Specialist Shane Harrigan, an Army analyst working with the PANDA Marines, was opposed to the concept.
“It just doesn’t feel natural to me. I can understand that the Marines are very enthusiastic about RIMJOBS, but I don’t want any part of it. To be frank, it leaves a foul taste in my mouth just thinking about it.”
The 7-steps are set to be disseminated throughout the Army and Marine Corps immediately.
The Navy has also considering adopting RIMJOBS to replace their hundred-year old planning procedure of BOHICA.
The way things are going its gonna happen!

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