Saturday, January 12, 2013

People are already starting to get inventive.

Power packed running boards.

I wish to God I remembered the website where I got this from but for all the trying I can't.  I wonder if its disguised when closed to look like a solid piece?  I doubt it but interesting none the less.

I don't know if I personally would feel confident in this kind of setup.  Security looks weak and the chance (that we all run) of vehicle theft is just too high for me to be in favor of it.

BUT it is inventive and if the truck is used just on the ranch then its pure genius.


  1. You should see the ones the South Africans built to stop carjacking (about 10 years ago). They've put flame throwers underneath the front driver and passenger car door. The windows are bulletproof.

    If an armed person attempts to hijack your car, you press the button and things get heated.

  2. yeah! i remember seeing that. i forget the name of the show but its on the BBC with 3 idiots...well one idiot, one pretty and boy and a regular guy..demonstrating something like that in Brazil.

  3. Google is your friend

    I found them on this blog which pointed to its manufacturer.


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