Thursday, June 03, 2010

Captured Video of "peace activist" preparing for violence.

1 comment :

  1. Then again, had the Israelis not set up this illegal blockade of Gaza, none of this would of happened.

    The Israelis have massive entitlement issues. For example – one common argument is that “well Arabs have the rest of the middle east, all we want is Palestine!” That is true. However, imagine this scenario – one day, the United Nations decides to give the state of California back to the Native Americans. After all, they were there first, and the USA will still have the rest of the country, its just one portion of the land! Still, I doubt most Americans would react peacefully to such a proposal. Don’t you?

    After watching all of these videos, both sides come off as incompetent fools. Typically, I have held the Israeli military in high regards. I don't always agree with what they are doing, but I have always viewed them as well trained soldiers. But - honestly? This was the best they could do? It looks like they just barged their way on board, randomly fired their paintball rifles everywhere, and when the activists (who are fools, but that is to be expected. Seriously? Broken bottles?) mistake this for real fire, they fight back, causing the Israelis to use their real guns.

    Ignoring the maritime aspect, a dozen cops could of handled this better. The Israelis looked like they knew nothing at all about crowd/riot control.


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