Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BAE teases!

I've been watching the BAE micro Farnborough website for news on this tantalizing bit of news on the F-35's defensive avionics suite.  Still no word but it appears to be game changing...or it could just be clever marketing.  I guess we'll see when we see.


  1. Classic dim-wit, Sol:

    Glued to PR presetation and hormone surge.

  2. not really. besides if you don't like it go elsewhere. you really are becoming tiresome. almost annoying.

    i wonder what recourse i have when it comes to an absolute fool that insists on polluting my website with his bullshit?

    i wonder.

  3. Glued to PR presentations? Interesting...

    I guess APA and it's acolytes don't take Rosboronexport claims on face value either eh?

    Oh, wait, yes they do, except when even Rosboronexport doesn't go so wildly beyond reality and then of course they descend entirely into fiction...

    Still don't you know it's dangerous to disagree with Goon on the inter tubes? He is such a litigious fellow after all...

    Which further reinforces the complete parody he and his 'crew' have become...




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