Monday, July 12, 2010

Blast from the past. Expeditionary Tank.

If you've been reading my little blog here, you might have noticed that I've become fascinated with projects from the past that were left behind or not pursued.

Well, I found another promising project called the Expeditionary Tank.  Want a surprising tidbit of information?  It would have worked a matter of fact its main gun is being used on the Stryker!

Read more at Military-Today.


  1. This could be a good Unmanned vessel

  2. i'm not quite convinced that unmanned ground vehicles are viable yet.

    it would make a good replacement for the M1 in the MEU though.

    it would make a great vehicle for the Airborne forces too.

  3. I think the M8 would be better suited to the MEU. A good way to slim down and not give up the firepower. It also has the add-on armor packages developed.
    According to the article that turret was problematic and was re-used on the Stryker AGS. I have never heard anythig good about the Stryker gun system.
    This also lost to the M8, that says something.

  4. Then there was the AAI RDF lit tank with a 75mm auto-cannon. Weird looking thing...

  5. I am talking in 25 years as complement.For now we are good with the M-1.Even in my opinion the M-1 should be use until 2050.


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