Monday, July 05, 2010

Mobile Off-Shore Base. Another great idea abandonded.

It seems that innovation has been alive and well, but for some reason the better ideas are abandoned instead of being pursued.

The current model of sea basing is promising but the idea of the Mobile Off-Shore Base was truly revolutionary.  The idea of having a floating landing strip capable of landing C-17's floating off the coast of a hostile nation is 'awesome'!

Imagine the war in Afghanistan if these were now in service?  A Contingent of Marines/Soldiers would be easily resupplied without jumping through the hoops of crossing and establishing bases in fragile countries...Pakistan would lessen in its importance to the effort and our foot print on land would be dramatically reduced.

As an added bonus, Army forces would more easily surge into trouble spots to reinforce efforts by the Naval community.  It could have been a win-win.

With all the effort being made to field new classes of ships to get the sea base concept going (specifically the Mobile Landing Platform), a better move might be to fully fund this old (circa 2001), but still exciting idea.


  1. It was a great concept, but a fragile one. It would require nearly a full CSG in support to both protect it (from subs, small boat swarms and missile attacks in particular) as it was a very slow moving fat target. You really wouldn't want to sale a MOB into the Persian Gulf...

    Another argument was that if equipment had to be flow to the MOB, than it just as well could be flown directly to the APOD ashore.

    still, a single MOB based at Diego Garcia could take the strain off that over-burdened coral base - take about maritime prepositioning!

  2. edit: 'talk' about MPS ;).


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