Saturday, August 07, 2010

Latest from Lexington Institute.


Read the entire article but check out this snippet... 

Long-time critics of the V-22 program are again trying to go after the program, seeking now not to terminate it but merely truncate the production run and substitute for the Osprey slower and less capable aircraft. This is ironic since both the Marine Corps and the Air Force would like to see production of the V-22 increase.
Substitute the F-35 for the V-22 and you see history repeating itself.  Its funny too.  The same supporters of additional F-22's, the A-330 tanker and cutting the V-22 are all opposed to the F-35.



  1. You know all the opponents keep talking about "saving money" as the main reason for their ire but it would be interesting to see numbers about how much cost has been added to these programs because of all the delays and production cuts...

  2. i think you hit a nail too Ron.

    the services have gotten into the habit of having company's bid on one thing and then...once its in development, adding stuff to it or making other design changes. some of it can't be helped but the majority of it can.

    reform of the entire process is needed and its not the defense contractors fault alone.

  3. There are so many laws regarding military purchases, and yet no one really seems to focus on buying qaulity that does the job for our troops. I'm glad the Marines are digging in on the Osprey and Amphib landing.


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