Sunday, November 21, 2010

K-max UAV would make the tank deployment make sense.

Ok, now this is making sense.  If the K-max UAV comes online then a whole lot of stuff comes together.  A certain blog has criticized the F-35 for requiring too much gas in forward operating base.

My response was that it would require less than a full gas tank to accomplish its mission since it would be forward based.  The same critique could be applied to tanks in Afghanistan.

This would seem to make Distributed Operations a nice dream but realistically undoable due to exposed supply lines....but bring into the equation not only the CH-53K but also the K-max UAV that's able to operate around the clock without worry of pilot fatigue and suddenly it comes together nicely.

Now the only thing left is to get the thing to Afghanistan and see if the experiment works!


  1. Even without the K-Max will transporting fuel forward easy-peasy with (enough) C-130s. Especially the USMC's KC-130F/Js can also act as mobile (ground) petrol stations if necessary.
    Plus there's already a sizeable fuel/log chain in-country with enough reserve capacity to deal with a sudden drop in fuel supplies, or a needed increase (during ops for example).

    Even the MV-22 can carry extra fuel further inland to support distributed ops.

    K-Max is just plain cool though. Will be great to resupply (mountain) FOBs/OPs. Perhaps even avoid a repeat of the Korengal Valley retreat...

  2. Help me understand your logic:
    Without the K-Max, the deployment of tanks does not makes sense?

    Tanks do need serious amounts of fuel. Why would it not travel by truck - just as does the fuel for M-ATVs, MRAPs, generators, etc?

    Why use a high high value, high cost rotary asset to transport fuel, in anything other than an emergency?

  3. it makes sense because the K-max while expensive is still cheaper than a predator uav. and unlike the predator it will be able to take up some of the slack used by other forces in their gear needs.

    ammo for a company of Marines can be carried by the k-max...rations too...truck convoys can be focused on fuel and heavy ammo for tanks and howitzers.

    which brings me back to why i believe that tanks MIGHT not have a role in distributed operations...but this could be a nice step in the right direction.

  4. I like the idea of using a K-max to place infantry into key areas of a valley during an attack, or as the battle is unfolding. Using the basic long line for cargo, they could just hook the soldier into the cargo hook via a harness, and long line the guy where ever. They could do it now with helicopters piloted by humans, but with UAVs, there is no flight limitations based on pilot availability or fatigue. It would be 24/7 service, and CAS if they were armed.

    The same concept could be used for rescuing squads that are trapped. Especially if the K-max is armored sufficiently to survive small arms fire during these types of rescues.

    As for cargo, I think it is great, and it will certainly help to keep logistics flowing up into those mountain FOBs.


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