Friday, December 10, 2010

F-35 readies to ferry...

F-35A AF-3 comes in for a landing after its eighth flight on 9 December 2010 with Lockheed Martin test pilot Bill Gigliotti at the controls. The aircraft is the first fully low-observable compliant F-35. The 2.5-hour flight at NAS Fort Worth JRB was an endurance flight in preparation for a ferry flight from Fort Worth to Edwards AFB, California.

(thanks B. Olsoy!)


  1. Are the external tanks integrated into the test fleet yet? I am assuming they will do A-A refuel or is it on internal fuel only (quite good range if so)

  2. internal only...that's why this airplane is so phenomenal. it has a range that the F-22, F-16 can only dream about...but of course the critics will never acknowledge that simple fact.

  3. Up to a 4-5 hour mission on internal fuel. Imagine when the Isrealis fit their 600 gallon tanks!

    B. Bolsøy


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