Saturday, January 08, 2011

Kel-Tec Bullpup 14+1 Shotgun...

via 'The Firearm Blog'
In a matter of months Kel-Tec has unveiled the PMR-30 pistol, the RMR-30 carbine and now the exciting KSG Shotgun. This bullpup pump-action shotgun has dual tube magazines that can hold a total of 14+1 rounds of ammunition.

I can't get pumped up about this.

I watched the roll out of the PMR-30 pistol and still can't find the sucker unless I'm willing to pay way over MSR.

This appears good too but Kel-Tec's distribution system is jacked up.  Past experience plus common sense means that I'll expect to see this in stores in 2015...if we're lucky...oh and it'll go for the price of an AR-15 too.


  1. Saw that for the first time a week or so ago. It's the latest item on my "my god, I NEED that thing!" list. ;-) PMR-30? Yeah, I've been on the list for that at Impact Guns for some time (their waiting list for the thing is something like 60+ people long). In the mean time I just picked me up a crimson trace laser for my SR9c and an XDm 45, both in stainless. Life is good. If my wife could get my hands on my boss she'd kick his ass for introducing me to firearms. ;-)


  2. At least they Dont take deposits like ARES


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