Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Marines and the Joint Strike Fighter: Stealthy, supersonic, deadly and vertical


  1. Stealthy,Supersonic,Deadly and Vertical and it doesn't work.

  2. Not that stealthy,
    nor that supersonic;
    advertised to be deadly
    and, yeah alright, vertical/STOVL

  3. but since you want to continue this discussion how about i add that with its aesa and sensor fusion, a better fit to fill the f-22 role of hiding to close with and destroy the enemy when working with f-15's that have their aesa blazing to locate the j0-20 in mythical combat.

    the f-35 is longer ranged and can remain in the fight farther etc.

    get a clue, its about the electronics not the aerodynamics when it comes to future aerial combat.

  4. Remember Vietnam.

    When we confidently thought that it'd be all about tech & electronics.

    And actually field and send in an interceptor without gun.

    Déjà vu? i hope NOT.

  5. if you're talking about vietnam and the infancy of the missile age then you're ignoring modern advancements.

    the Israeli's have engaged in aerial combat and they only closed to gun range in a few engagements. and that was kill an opponent that was totally defensive.

    with helmet mounted sights its going to be all missiles, all the time.

    its even been called mutually assured destruction if two airplanes get caught in the classic dogfight scenario.

    so yes, its all about the tech and electronics.

  6. Operation Opera, part 2

    Keyword: Stuxnet

    Assume that ALL electronics of the future can be subjected to attack.

  7. no, you're talking about a virus that was designed to attack a computer system.

    we're talking about stand alone systems that are independent.

    but lets get real here. AESA is thought to be able to burn through missile casing to fry the electronics.

    AESA is being designed to attack anti air missile batteries.

    the US Navy is talking about the next jammer pod being an offensive weapon.

    you can ignore the future but its here.


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