Saturday, April 09, 2011

European Sea Power done right.

The Phoenix Think Tank is a blog whose members thoughts mirror my own.

*They believe in a strong independent Europe and most relevantly...a powerful UK.

*They believe that as a maritime nation, the UK must reverse the terrible downsizing that the Royal Navy is currently suffering from.

*They believe that the retirement of the Harriers was shortsighted and politically motivated (so true!)

*They believe that economic strength comes not at the point of a gun but from the ability to first deter aggression and then, if that fails, to be able to react successfully to protect their nations goals/beliefs.

In short, we're like brothers in our our service to our respective nations...and in our belief that naval forces are many times the instrument of choice when it comes to dealing with 22nd century despots, dictators and madmen.

Follow the link and read PTT

Sharkeys World also has a wealth of interesting information and is authored by the same individuals.  I have them both bookmarked.

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