Sunday, May 01, 2011

Bin Laden is dead? What now?

Good news but I hope the calculations have been properly made...With the failed strike on the Libyan leader...with the Palestinian issue still unresolved...with the 'great awakening' happening in the Arab states and now with Bin Laden having been killed in an airstrike, can we not expect an increase in terrorism?

If we had him this boxed in, can we not say that this was done for political and not operational needs?  Supposedly, leadership of his organization had passed on to his 2nd in command...add to this the fact that he was killed in Pakistan and I don't see this making anything better.

We do live in interesting times.


  1. It helps thew President big time. He gets to say he ended Iraq and killed Bin Laden. Furthermore, he can use this to draw down in Afghanistan more aggressively with Gates and Petraeus out of the picture.

    It's definitely good times for Mr. President...his reelection is looking more likely than it already was.

  2. wow, your like the least happy person in America right now

  3. Matthew...all i'm saying is that this probably doesn't actual affect the war or terrorism ...

    to think that this is a game changer i believe is to be fooling yourself.

    yeah the bastard needed to die...but just like a mad dog killer on the streets, it doesn't bring back those that he killed, it just brings justice to a dog ...

    i was trying to think strategically. and on a strategic level it doesn't change a thing.

    politically it helps as Drake 1 said. but beyond that its meaningless...Marines and soldiers will go out on patrol tommorrow and some will still get hurt.

    sorry buddy but this is for the chattering newscasters that try and take a roll of whos wining and losing.

  4. I'm glad the bastard is dead, but he was likely little more than a figure head on the run.

  5. He planned 9/11...How is that "little more than a figure head". Are you just angry that "Obama" got him. Obama didn't do shit. Our service members did. How about enjoying the moment!

  6. because Dinocat, do you think the troops on the ground give a flying fuck about this?

    they're worried about making through another day. worried about stepping on a landmine/ied...worried about not highlighting themselves so they won't get hit by a sniper.

    you're fooling yourself if you believe that this moment is special. its not. a figurehead was killed. i'm happy that he died but i'm not going to fool myself.

  7. i agree with Sol, while this is good for america, it doesnt make us any more safe, on the contrary, this may inflame those who hate us to go to even greater lengths, so i think we need to be cautious for the coming days and weeks. This is a victory but quite a symbolic one.

  8. Soloman I understand your point of view.

    I think that our troops care about the death of the person who was responsible for them being there to begin with. Think of all the kids who joined the military after 9/11. They joined to avenge the fallen citizens in New York, Pennsylvania, and DC.

    I know they still have to drive on but there is reason to celebrate.

    When I was in Iraq and Saddam was captured it made us feel like something had been accomplished. We knew that it was still dangerous and we had a job to do.

    If we think that no matter who we kill that the job will never be done then we have lost already. There is nothing wrong with celebrating the deaths of our enemies!

    God bless our troops (specifically thanks to a certain Navy Seal for killing OBL!)

  9. Looks like someone from SEAL Team 6 got him with a head shot.

  10. on that we agree Dinocat. but i was there and didn't get any satisfaction from Saddam being be honest he was just another target neutralized...nothing big, nothing important just another bad guy down.

    TLAM...yeah those guys did good. i'm fired up about that part of the story...Seal Team 6 kicked ass.

  11. you know Sol, i think with this being so deep in Pakistan, i think this may have more repercussions than we think. How many other nations will be thinking, if they can storm a well defended compound within Pakistan without the militarizes help, what other capabilities do they have and certainly willing to use.

    As this did seem to be a great job by our seals, lets not

  12. It will be interesting to hear how things really went down.

    Its nice to see the crowds in DC and NY.

    Keep up the good work Soloman.


  13. Woops, I meant to say Solomon, too many celebratory beers for me.

  14. It's imperative that - how gruesome and 'disrespectfull' it may be to some - his body will be displayed on mass-media or some will say that it was a hoax or the wrong guy and that he's still holed up in some mountain.

    Like was did with Saddam Hussein, some impartial folks need to identify and confirm that he's actually dead.

    Agree with Solomon that it will change little, and may increase attacks in retaliation as he's a 'martyr' now and all that.

    Outstanding job of the guys that got him.

    Still can't shake the feeling that it could've been done much earlier if the Pakistani's weren't involved - their 'assistance' seems forever dubious.


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