Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Boeing...you suck.

Trimble over at the Dew Line linked to what he called some very cool photos released by Boeing.  Can't tell because you have to be a registered journalist to get the hi-rez version of them.


Really Boeing?

Has the fight with Airbus made you this big a pussy?

Have they kicked you in the nuts so many times that you've turned into penny pinching idiots?  I mean for heaven sakes...they have military equipment being sold to my nation and yours...they're trying to rally the public to speak up for this domestic company and the sorry bastards want to charge for high resolution pics?

Heck, I'd register and get them for ya but guess what!  Unless you have an Aviation Week or Flight Global beside your name then you're just not relevant in their eyes.


Boeing.  You Suck.

Take a page from Lockheed Martin...EADS...General Dynamics etc.  Your public relations model is from the 18th century.


  1. How do you really feel? :-) I feel pretty much the same way. They'd rather try to take you for money than see any pictures of their products (or even pictures of products from companies they've assimilated) get exposure.

    For the moment you can get them higher rez over on Secret Projects.

  2. so right. notice when they were in the fight for their life to get the tanker product...all they wanted to do was to spread the news, get pics of their product out etc...now that they won its back to old skool business methods.

    i think thats part of Boeing's problem...they have new people but use tired methods...EADS is so far ahead of those clowns...Lockheed Martin makes them look like chumps...they're in trouble and don't even know it.

  3. WTF?

    That is just stupid.

    For the fun of it I registered with them using my blog as my publication just to see if they would accept it. I doubt they will but it would be interesting just to hear their response.

    I'll post if I get one.

  4. good luck and keep me posted. i attempted to register 3 times with them...first two times, no reply and on the third they declared that i was irrelevant.

  5. Felt I should give you an update incase you are still reading comments for posts this far back. They never sent me a reply back, I guess I'm too small a fish too.

    Shame too because if they gave me access to nice pictures I was going to do a another post on ASW aircraft incl. the Boeing P-8.

  6. oh yeah...i read them all...sometimes i can't respond but i read them all...

    yep that does suck. but i have a barrel full of ink to wage war with them so they should consider this round one.


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