Saturday, May 07, 2011

F-35 passes 1st radar cross section test.

via Bloomberg.
The program office has collected radar cross-section information on the Air Force version of the aircraft and “we are very pleased, very pleased,” U.S. Navy Vice Admiral David Venlet, the program manager, said in an interview.
F-35- win
Haters- another loss


  1. Another one of those stories we won't see on Ares because "we don't have time to cover every F-35 developmet". I'll bet they'd have found the time if the F-35 had failed it's RCS testing.

  2. "I'll bet they'd have found the time if the F-35 had failed it's RCS testing."

    What's the bigger news story; that it sucessfully did something that years of time and gobs of money were spent on to design it to do or that if failed to do something after years of time and gobs of money were spent to design it to do?


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