Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Marine Corps has lost its fucking mind.

Is the desire to be cool...to be hip...to be part of the 'in' crowd so strong that common sense eludes those in charge?

Battle Rattle blog is milking these videos that Marines are putting on You Tube to the max.  At times its almost ghoulish.  At times its just sad and pathetic.

This time its sad and pathetic.

These posts of videos on the net showing Marines acting like a bunch of fucking idiots is beyond the pale.

Marines use the words...elite...hard core....shock troops....

These videos and the commands that are allowing them are tarnishing the reputation of the Marine Corps.  I have yet to see US Army Rangers posting vids like this.  I have yet to see the 82nd Airborne posting vids like this.  I haven't seen it from the 101st, 10th Mountain or 25th Infantry Division.

But we see Marines posting this tripe.  We see so called "Marine friendly" blogs posting and promoting this garbage.

Somethings got to give.  To be quite honest I had hoped that the new SgtMajor of the Marine Corps would have put his foot down on this issue.

Apparently he's asleep at the wheel on this.

Oh and before you go high and to the left and accuse me of blowing this out of proportion then consider this sad fact.

Marines have been convicted of conduct unbecoming for offenses that I consider far less embarrassing to the Corps.


  1. are there rules in place in other branches of the military like the army the USMC may not have? i dont know just curious if thats why you dont see from others.

  2. i don't know who said it but some Army guy said that he wanted the Rangers to out Marine the Marine Corps...so what do i mean by that? i mean that they have a code of conduct that says that Rangers don't do shit like this.

    the Marine Corps is slipping and the SgtMajor needs to bitch slap the commands to get them in line.

  3. i havent watched these videos, i am still not sure what you mean by out marine the marine corps, like acting tougher than the marine corps? i dont ask this as sarcasm but just asking. do you think the ranger code of conduct is an on the books dont do this or you will be reprimanded code or an unwritten code of conduct that this isnt just shit we will do?


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