Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sad, Pathetic, Disgraceful. Spin the bullshit Major...Spin!

Instead of crushing the nonsense, HQMC turned a blind eye and now its a full blown disgrace.  Read this story and check out the vid below.

Who do I blame.

1.  Battle Rattle Blog.  They started this stupidity by highlighting this craziness.  Kids stuff being pushed by kids.  Disgraceful.

2.  SgtMajor of the Marine Corps.  You'd have to be blind, deaf and mute not to see this coming.  You weren't proactive.  Now we have a stupid stain running down the pants leg of our Corps.

3.  HQMC Social Networking Outfit/Public Affairs.  You're in a military outfit, ya bunch of clowns.  You're not at Google or Vogue or whatever your favorite magazine, TV show etc...  You tried to be cool and its instead made you look inept.

The horse has left the barn.  Lets not be this stupid again.


  1. The first time was an amusing novalty, now it's just plain embarassing.

  2. totally agree....but i could see this coming from a mile away.

    the problem is that Marine Corps leadership didn't and didn't shut it down.

  3. Monkey see monkey do...

    However I do think at this point it is harmless fun. But I do see the problems this will cause.

  4. Sol,

    I completely understand your frustration, but I don't understand why this is under your microscope.

    What's going to happen the first time you see you a pair of Blues at a "pride" parade?

    The goose is cooked...

  5. i saw a veterans day parade with a band in festive colors, i swear it was a gay band, but it was in NYC so it kinda isnt suprising.

    the mila kunis one was understandable, justin timberlake understandable (but i much prefer mila kunis :)), but this is just getting really odd.

  6. JL0302--- i don't see it as harmless because the services in general and the Marine Corps in particular are moving toward social websites as a way to spread the word. this shows that they're not ready for prime time.

    Resident Author---when i see that shit i'm going to go high and to the right. but i agree in more ways than you can imagine that the goose is cooked...and not only for the Marines. whats my answer? stack it high, keep it dry.

    joe----JL0302 said monkey see monkey do. thats would be an acceptable statement if this was a college or university and this occurred but we're talking about a war fighting organization. this sucks. i repeat when i see a military unit (not only Marines) at a gay pride parade, i'll post pics of what really goes on with those perverts....the nudity, public sex...all the shit that the mainstream news media keeps out of the press.


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