Sunday, November 06, 2011

Vote for nobody.


  1. you know there was a serious suggestion by someone (it was a blog somewhere i think) but every political race should have a "none of the above" option, and i absolutely agree, if the none of the above is the most votes, both parties must nominate someone else. i think its a good idea.

  2. i'm just amazed that no one has figured out that the financial crisis we're in is the result of failed globalization and the steps taken to prop up the markets are an effort to keep that system in place.

    if we allowed the markets to fail then guess what? it would be an acknowledgement that globalization failed and nations the world over could go back to a more rational financial system...but that would end several of the systems in place...China would become feudal again, the EU would disappear and the US corporations that are making huge profits would have to settle down to 5% returns on a great year.

  3. well i think its going to be many years until we see what happens, i dont think globalization is stoppable personally, companies look for cheap labor and theres plenty of it in asia and africa.

  4. globalization is a fraud wrapped in a lie. think about it. you are in essence destroying the consumer in one country to supply them with cheap goods from another! think about how oil suddenly became a commodity! think about how wall street is making money from basically playing las vegas!

    globalization has already been stopped the only thing left is for the decision made on how to either prop it up or to pick up the pieces after its acknowledged that its been destroyed.


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