Tuesday, December 27, 2011

BlackFive nails the anti-gun crowd!

A must read from BlackFive (with a major hat tip to National Review)...
Did you know there is a nationwide rampage going on where crazed fanatics with concealed carry permits are slaughtering innocent citizens? Neither did I, but thankfully the NY Times is on the story. With their usual, thoroughly accurate, fact-checked, journalistic professionalism propaganda, they have concocted a faux outrage that simply doesn't add up. National Review Online points out the fallacy.
The only thing I can add to Jimbo's wonderful analysis is this.  A couple of days ago a young man was chased down by a gang of animals (the two legged kind) and stabbed to death in a British mall on 'boxer day'...The UK has some of the most restrictive gun laws on the planet yet murders continue to happen everyday.  Restrictive gun laws placed on law abiding citizens only makes those very same citizens potential victims.

I understand that some are anti-gun.  That's your right but don't impose your false sense of security on me and mine!


  1. "Boxing Day" Sol.

    Sorry but just to put a UK perspective on this, we have a VASTLY lower murder rate than many countries including the USA. If you take a country like Switzerland where every home has an assault rifle, they have one of the highest rates of gun related murders and suicides in the world.

    This murder was also related to gang violence from what I've seen.

    I've never once been walking around this country and thought we'd be in any way safer with free gun controls, and I live in an area with one of the highest of legal gun ownership rates in the country.

    Not to be condescending but in general, people are idiots and I wouldn't trust your average Uk citizen with a weapon. Although saying that as someone trained to use them (and with a habit of sticking up for others - a trait British people rarely display now) I would love to be a gun owner.
    Saying that I may have to move to the US one day, but I dont know what your gun laws are for immigrants.

  2. law abiding naturalized immigrants have full gun rights i believe. just make sure you move to the right state. new york, california and illinois are all big no, nos unless you just have to.

    crime, taxes and restrictive gun laws.

  3. Switzerland has a very low murder rate and a very low crime rate. I'd much rather live there than in Britain.

  4. Bandits armed... or everyone armed.

    Btw Switzerland also have direct democracy thing that restricted minarets construction peacefully(!).


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