Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Act of Valor blowback part 6.

Navy SEALs at the Red Carpet of the movie.

via Yahoo News.  Go to that site to read the whole thing...just a few snippets though.
US defense officials did not find out about the movie until after the fact, causing consternation at the Pentagon, which has an office that vets scripts and negotiates cooperation deals with Hollywood producers.
 "It's one thing to be filmed parachuting out of a plane, but it's another thing to be parachuting and land on the red carpet," a defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told AFP.
 But the screen debut of active duty troops from a community that has always shunned media attention has irked some inside the military, who worry that a line has been crossed.
Defense officials at one point even weighed whether to prevent the film's release by withdrawing legal permission for footage of the SEALs and military hardware

The Pentagon, however, does not want a repeat of the episode and is spreading the word to commanders that future movie projects -- including a possible film on the Bin Laden raid -- must be approved beforehand, the defense official said.
"This hasn't been swept under the carpet," he said.
It appears that the SEALs ran a black op to get this movie done.  No approval from the Pentagon before filming began?

Now I know why the Navy Press Office released that statement stating that the film costs taxpayers no money...now I know why the Admiral in charge of SOCOM bristled when the SOCOM creator told him to get out of the press.


  1. Are these Seals going to be sidelined?

  2. i doubt it but there is more going on under the surface than any of us can know.

    the SEAL community has closed ranks and used a bunch of military bloggers to hype the movie but this whole thing has been disturbing to me from the get go.

    SF doesn't do this kind of things (i'm kinda partial to those guys...they would share the coat off there back with a punk LCpl like i was at the time), Rangers wouldn't...i mean no one else in SOCOM would.

    my issue was that it seemed like they were breaking the code and now i see that they were...or at least a few regulations.

    the Admiral in charge of SOCOM will protect his boys but we won't see another SEAL in charge of SOCOM for a while after this cluster. i can almost guarantee that. heck i'm sure they've pushed the Navy pretty far down in the line up of future commanders now.


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