Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The dirty little secret.

This is the side of the war that they don't want you to see.


  1. I've watched 'The Bomb Squad, Afghanistan' and this past November when the EOD team is having their Thanksgiving dinner flown in via helecopter, so in fly a couple black hawks and wouldn't you know it, the whole town is buried in dirt from the prop wash. I kept thinking, here they are doing a job that has the intent of making America look good, and what do they do? Blast the locals with enough dirt to start a soccer pitch. Another side we don't get to see often enough.

  2. haven't seen that Phil ... i guess what i was getting at is the big base thing.

    you have people running Sgt's and Cpl Courses...having dances, playing boyfriend and girlfriend bullshit and then you have other people that are out in the boonies trying to keep fleas off them....

    pulling ticks off their balls...dodging bullets praying that they don't step on a mine and you have others that sit in air conditioned comfort and take nice showers every night.

    its just surreal and no one is pointing it out.

  3. Actually I did get your drift. It was just the picture of the Marines/Soldiers trudging through the dust that reminded me of the Bomb Squad.
    As it's been written on this page, it's past time to bring them home.


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