Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Check out some of the Border Patrol's Vehicles.

Yeah...everything from full bore MRAP's to armored ATV's to copies of the Para-rescue guys desired ITV to specially outfitted pursuit boats to finally the best (in my opinion) production off road vehicle going and you have a very brief over view of the Customs and Border Patrols fleet.

And yet they can't secure the border?



  1. They can't control the border effectively because having all the cool gadgets in the world can not make you be in two places at once. They're a very small force trying to protect a huge border. The local border patrol guys here in Del Rio let us USAF guys shoot on their range, and I've always been impressed with the level of professionalism of the border patrol agents I've met there. They get very little recognition for doing a very difficult and dangerous job.

  2. I think it has more to do with Unit sizes and their ROE's Procidure. I know a guy from my battalion who works for them. You have 4 guys working a about a few hundred miles of desert.

    I have always said Border security should be the job of the US Army. Leave overseas deployments to Marines. I don't care how bad ass Zeta you think you are your not jumping the fence in front of avM1A1.


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