Friday, June 08, 2012

F-35 Flight Test Update. Jan- May 2012

The F-35.

Confounding the critics and performing well above expectations.  Read the charts and weep haters!
12-6-4 F-35 Flight Test Performance Jan 1 - May 31 2012 (1)


  1. And how does this compare to expectations 4 years ago, eh? EH?!

  2. What difference does that make Huron? Yes the program is behind various schedules. Show me the new developmental program that isn't.

    The point is that the JSF program is humming along now. Something you clearly are unhappy with hence your pathetic attempt at dredging up old news, that no-one disputes.

    I hope you enjoy being disappointed that the JSF program is humming, because it seems as if you've got PLENTY of "enjoyment" to come...


  3. And people should be constantly reminded that much of the delay did not necessarily HAVE to happen, but were deliberately incurred as sacrifice to the gods of 'risk reduction', to ward off the evil spirits of 'concurrency' all along the program timeline. We'll never know how an unimpeded program would have proceeded.

  4. i think its stupid to look at the expectations 4 years ago. There were issues in the procurement and some bad mistakes overall but i rather have a weapon system that's mature than one that's rushed. This aircraft is going forward by leaps and bounds when it comes to technology, that will incur a stronger learning curve than normal and its good to adjust if things dont work out and you need to change the schedule. remember Einsteins definition of insanity, trying the same experiment over and over expecting different results. well they have had to change to make up for problems along the way, that shows maturity in the program, not lack thereof.


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