Saturday, June 02, 2012

Update on military breastfeeding mothers.

Thanks DRAKE1 for getting me to this vid!

Not one woman in uniform has the right to bitch or complain about how men view them.  There sisters put them in this light.  There sisters are pushing this issue.  There OWN sisters are making the case that women are different from men.

When you hop into the back of a CH-53 to do a TRAP mission and you see a female pilot sitting there can you blame a PFC for looking at her wondering if she's lactating?  Heaven help guys doing PT in mixed sex units....

And guess what did it to yourselves.

Sidenote:  I notice NOT one of the big boy military blogs is touching this with a ten foot pole.  AMAZING.  What a bunch of fucking cowards.  You're bad and bold with every fucking thing else but this issue you won't touch????  Kiss my ass you bunch of arrogant clowns.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I do not agree with you, here.

    That one [two] person of a group is an absolute moron, even with an organization backing him (her) up does not take the right of the rest of that group to be considered on their own merits. Nor is it productive or prudent to do so.

    Take care.


  3. i'm talking about how an 19 year old Marine will look at a female. if you think that it doesn't run to the sexual first then you're naive. if you think that female Marines aren't trying to fight that notion then you're wrong. if you think that this drive doesn't hurt the cause of females in combat units then you're wrong.

    take care.


  4. Yes, that we sort of agree. And fighting nature head on is silly. However, I see breastfeeding as tender, I see breast as sexy. I see those photo-op women as neither. I agree that a 19 yo guy might be thinking on his partners mammaries, but... lactating? Leaving aside the fact that even if I favor females on combat, lactating females crosses my own red line by far.

    Take care.

    PS: Have you read "The amazon's right breast", by Kratman?

  5. ok...lactating might have been a bridge too far but you get the point. these feminist, liberals, gay advocates and general 'rights' people are ignoring basic human issues and transfering them to the one place where its not a HR issue...its a life and death issue on the battlefield. be as progressive as you like but don't ignore the brutality that exists in the real world. view the world as it is not as you would like it to be....and that counts double for times when you must face off with the bad guys.

    everyone looks at these issues at the macro instead of the micro level. no one is thinking about there own daughter when they talk about women in combat...they're always talking about someone elses....i wihs to God they could see the women that have already been maimed and injured. its bad enough to see a guy like that but to see the women is can call me sexist but the reality is the reality and none of yhou all are seeing that.

  6. Sol,

    I am from a country with female combat in living memory. In a civil war. And 18 yo kids often look like children to me. I do see some of the troubles of having women, I agree with some of them and I'm enraged by others, the ones that are going to come artificially because brass is going to chicken out and go the PC way.

    But when you tell me about crippled vets you're asking me to put the lives of "children" below the lives of --in my experience-- more mature females. I know it's subjective, but it still is.

    Take care.

  7. you're misunderstanding me. what i'm saying is to look at the crippled female vets. in the US they show pics of male vets that have been horrifically wounded but never the crippled female vets.

    why? because that would change the conversation about women in combat thats why. what i'm saying is to think about this conversation with the thoughts about your daughters going off to war. of being in an all male unit with say two females in it. what father would want that? but that faggot ass Chief of Staff of the Army is pushing it. and he knows for a fact that he would discourage his own daughters or grand daughters from doing the same training that some poor woman with few options is going to be pushed into.

  8. That's the part of "brass is going to chicken out and go the PC way", yes.

    Any decision in a democracy should be an informed decision. Specially of the bad parts.

    Take care.


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