Monday, July 30, 2012

Marines train Senegalese forces in marksmanship

Are they actually teaching that bullshit?  I'm talking about advancing on your target while firing.  Are you kidding me?  Cool guy factor-100.  Combat utility-negative 10.  I have yet to see one instance in a combat setting where that type of training is applicable.

You do know where the Marine Corps picked that trash up from right?  3 gun shoots.  Police SWAT teams.  All bullshit training that has no bearing on reality.  First 3 gun put it in to make the courses more challenging.  Shooting from your back or on your left or right side is show shit and everyone knows it!   The prone is your friend and modified shooting from that position is applicable but the other stuff is for the meets.  SWAT teams?  Lets be honest and take off the rose colored glasses.  They're most effective against unarmed people and when they charge against armed individuals not only do they not conduct a deliberate assault but they do everything in their power to wear down the person or persons.  Want to know what happens to cool boy SWAT when they run into real opposition?  Think Branch Davidians.

I'm saying all this for one purpose.  Hey Marines.  STOP COPYING 3 gun and civilian SWAT!  The training that they do DOES NOT apply!


  1. Advancing on the target while firing is part of Table 3 of the Marksmanship program. Might want to look at MCO 3574.2K. Things have changed significantly in the last few years. Considering most of the changes were implemented from input from the infantry gunner community, I'll take their word that it is useful.

  2. that's an idiotic change then. Marine Gunners lost their rep along time ago.

    everything i've seen from the PT program to this qual course is all about trendy shit,not real shit. not impressed and this type of thing will get Marines killed.

    i can't wait to hear some silly bastard try and justify this. name one battle where you would actually stand up and advance on a target while firing your weapon? not one i can think of....just like the MMA inspired PT program its pure bullshit. i mean really? flipping tires? lifting ammo cans? and then you call it a combat physical fitness test?

    pussified Marine Corps with no fucking clue.

  3. Sure, lets lay in the mud and call in arty every time someone takes a potshot at us. I'd rather practice shooting and moving before the guy jumps out from behind the wall and needs to get popped before I can fall to the ground and aim in from a good prone position. The idea behind the program is to get you comfortable using your weapon in field gear.

    As for the PT program, flipping tires and lifting ammo cans makes a lot more sense than pullups and dumbbells. Maybe if you got off the chair and tried it you would find out.

  4. fuck you. i have.

    as far as shooting while moving toward your opponent, you're showing exactly how much a pogue you really are. you take fire and don't think you're gonna get your ass down then you haven't taken fire.

    you think you're gonna get harrassing fire and not get in the mud then you think too much of your uniform and too little of your life.

    talk to me when you get back from the war zone. i might as well be talking to a bitch.

  5. Wow?

    Sol I believe in our table program, while I don't believe in the old standard of shooting at targets of a know distance with a good loop along being how we measure a marines ability to shoot, the cmp program is pretty sound, but its not all we teach. Still do the squad rushing lanes with the standard I'm up, he sees me I'm down.

    As for the pt program, yah the cft wasn't what I wanted but changes are on the way. I believe in a balanced workout. That's why I do both crossfit and traditional lifting, while hitting the pool up about twice a week. It's about be a all around warrior

  6. Sol,

    Way to go straight to name calling and profanity. Shows true professionalism on your part. It made me laugh.

    I did my tours in the sandbox, and enough of it outside the wire. About to retire with 26 years in the Corps. I find it amusing that you think you know so much about me from an internet comment.

    You are obviously one of those old timers who developed selective memory of what the Corps was really like. Much like the dad who tells his kid he "walked uphill both ways" to school, the next generation can never meet the legend of what you were in your mind. You do yourself and the Corps a disservice by spreading this garbage about how "pussified" the Corps is, when the reality is we have superb Marines doing great things every day.

  7. you don't know jack shit about me. i never walked up hill but i can tell ya this. you can chest thump all you want but if you come at me i'll call a spade a spade.

    dance vids? pussified. repeal of DADT? pussified? i can't tell who someone is fucking unless they tell me and thats what the gays want. you talk about the marksmanship tables i'll tell you that the real deal is that when they analyzed the kills in a certain part of Iraq, a crimminal probe was about to be started because they thought that executions were be conducted because of all the head shots. they made the shooting tables harder because the marksmanship was outstanding.

    fuck you get off my fucking page you sorry sack of shit.


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