Friday, July 20, 2012

NRA on the Brady ranking...

via Hooda Think.

The NRA-ILA reviewed the rankings and have found – again – an interesting correlation: The higher the ranking given by the Brady Campaign (meaning the more restrictive the state is in protecting their citizen’s 2nd Amendment rights) the higher the rate of violent crime.
  • California, the state that has the most gun control and received Brady’s highest score (79), has violent crime and murder rates that are 14% and 23% higher, respectively, compared to the rest of the country.
  • Brady didn’t bother giving a score to Washington, D.C., which has more gun control than California and even higher crime rates.
  • Most of the 38 states that Brady gave 20 or fewer points to, have total violent crime, murder, and robbery rates that are below the national rates.
  • For states that have total violent crime, murder, and robbery rates that are below the national rates, Brady gave average scores of 19, 19, and 14, respectively.
  • For the 10 states with the lowest total violent crime, murder, and robbery rates, Brady gave average scores of 12, 12, and 9, respectively.
"Nuff Said.


  1. while its possible theres a relationship here this is a very simplistic way of thinking about complex issues, and very possible spurious relationships, things like this make bad policy.

  2. It could also be that states with high violent crime statistics are more likely to pass anti-gun legislation, but the point remains. Restricting the gun rights of law-abiding citizens does nothing to decrease violent gun crime. It in fact encourages it, because such laws create a culture in the citizenry that is fearful or even hostile to the concept of owning and carrying firearms, which makes it much more likely that when a madman bursts into a crowded theater full of hundreds of people only the perpetrator is armed.


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