Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I searched the website and it appears that this weapon is no longer being offered.  I'm sure it has to do with its lack of precision.  Too bad.  This might have actually worked on the LCS for anti-sub work.  If Clancy has sub hunting down then the LCS' dash speed with a drift and firing these off when in the general location of the sub might win the day.  Yesterday's technology that will probably re-appear once the Navy gets serious about sub hunting again.


  1. IIRC the 601 was superseded by a similar, but much longer ranged, system called Alecto which was at least planned for the Visbys (not sure if it was actually fitted).

    Like the 601, it was designed to be multipurpose with chaff, IR decoy, and even off board torpedo decoy rounds.

  2. Solomon it just hit me...what about the JSM for the LCS ? only it can strike naval and land targets but also its stealth and passive guided (inertial,gps,IIR).An air drop version is in final stages of development for the F-35 and the u.s dep.of defense in suporting the effort of the company from Norway.What do you think?


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