Friday, October 12, 2012

Costa fights zombies??

I don't know whats going on but every government around the globe seems to be gearing up for mass riots and social upheaval.  The latest being the Swiss...and now we have this vid from Costa.  When will life imitate art?

Oh and I first saw this on Soldier Systems but they took the vid down...wonder why?


  1. I feel it as does many other people, no not a real Zombie attack but that weird feeling that something bad is going to happen.
    Break down in society, riots or a war, perhaps a civil war.
    We have a large number of military age men in this country who are from other countries, mostly un-assimilated and infused with the idea that this land was once their land and they want it back. Groups who feel this nation owes them a debt from times long gone when they were in bondage. Political groups who wish to change the nation and destroy it's constitution by force. The poor, un-employed and homeless who have been multiplying since 2008 who want that dream back.
    Yes, it's scarey and it could happen here.
    Then again maybe it will be real Zombies or I'm just getting old.

  2. you, me and everyone else can feel it. the only difference is that its being openly talked about now...not just around a couple of beers. its gonna happen and its gonna be a sight to behold. stocked and locked....and stacked to the ceiling.

  3. I am the producer of the above project "Operation Z".

    The word "zombie" is never mentioned directly in the production. If you see the "zombie" scenario as metaphor for something else, and you want your wife or family to understand the implications of that, please check out the project when it's released (soon).


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