Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Photo: J-10B weapons load out

via Alert 5.


  1. yeah, that weapons load out does not impress. it seems like they're emphasizing the big but getting the little wrong. pylons for what appear to be small diameter bombs that only hold two apiece? no avionics pod for precision delivery? fuel tanks that while large appear smaller than US offerings...its pretty but i don't think it delivers.

  2. "well, it is a cheap F-16 knockoff.

    F-16 knockoff? I take it you've never actually seen an F-16. The J-10 is a Lavi development (complete with Israel's help).

    1. Yes and notice the AAM's are suspiciously similar the Israeli Python 3 of 1980's vintage. China may be good at copying but they can only go so far before hitting a capability wall

    2. I have dumbass. I KNOW it looks just Live a Lavi, which was a 1980s Israeli F-16 derivative design that never got past the prototype stage. The Israelis sold it's design to the Chinese. So it ESSENTIALLY is an F-16 "knockoff". I doubt it is more capable.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. SFERRIN. the Lavi WAS a cheap F-16 knockoff.


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