Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pussification of the Marine Corps continues..

via AP.
The U.S. Marine Corps, known for turning out some of the military's toughest warriors, is studying how to make its troops even tougher through meditative practices, yoga-type stretching and exercises based on mindfulness.Marine Corps officials say they will build a curriculum that would integrate mindfulness-based techniques into their training if they see positive results from a pilot project. Mindfulness is a Buddhist-inspired concept that emphasizes active attention on the moment to keep the mind in the present.
What would Chesty do?


  1. Chesty.....would run,
    Chesty Puller was a son of a gun,
    He wasn't very pretty but he sure could run,
    He run and he run and he run and he run!
    He wouldn't quit running till the day was done.
    Then he would kick these liberal pussy asses.

  2. Don´t under estimate yoga. It´s all about pain suppression by slow breathing. Can be used in all kind of situations. Not just stretching.

    1. yeah but they're talking about something that was once taught in bootcamp ... ya know, you make your bunk perfectly so that means you're focused in on the task. uniform inspections cause you to pay attention to small details...same as equipment inspections etc...

      this just smacks of someone checking off a liberal box to satisfy liberal leaders...not necessarily in the administration but in Marine Corps leadership.


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