Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Coloradans want MAGPUL to leave...

Most Coloradans want MAGPUL to leave according to this unscientific poll conducted by the Denver Post...

Post Poll - Gun Magazines
If Colorado passes legislation banning the possession of high-capacity gun magazines, should Colorado-based manufacturers of such magazines leave the state?
Total Votes = 3837
Yes. Let them carry through with their recent threats to leave. Colorado doesn't need them here.
 2516 Votes, or 65.57 %
No. HB 1224 makes it clear they could still legally produce high-capacity magazines to sell elsewhere, and Colorado needs the jobs.
 1050 Votes, or 27.36 %
Unsure. I'm somewhere in the middle.
 271 Votes, or 7.062 %


  1. We here in Western Pennsylvania would love to have MAPGUL.

    On a more serious note that is in no way a scientific survey; neat to know which way the average reader of that paper leans though.

    1. yeah but between Texas, Utah, Arizona and practically every Southern state pushing hard i just don't see these guys as being a East Coast outfit...even though Western Pennsylvania is more like the other states named than the upper North East or Philadelphia.

  2. It's an extremely misleading poll. None of us pro-constitution Coloradans (nor the owners of Magpul themselves) want Magpul to stay in this state IF the ban passes. It's not that we want them to leave; its that we don't want them to toil here making pmags for the fascists who will enforce this law when they could go somewhere where their own employees will be able to buy what they make.

    1. i didn't say it the right waay Tiny. i didn't mean to say that pro-gun Coloradan's wanted MAGPUL to be FORCED to leave because of crazy laws....what i meant to say is that sorry, slimey, Californians have invaded the state and brought their craziness with them.

  3. I am still trying to understand how a state famed for its cowboys and wilderness is so anti-gun. Answers on a postcard please.

  4. Utah would welcome them with open arms. And we have lots of skilled workers here.

  5. What's this I am seeing about Mexico wanting a register of gun owners in the US border states? Is somebody just stoking the fire or is there some truth to it?

  6. Unscientific internet polls suck especially when they present a horse-shit dichotomy that excludes being against magazine bans in the first place.

  7. When I lived in Colorado I thought the gun laws were very fair, especially coming from the east coast. I also thought that the gun culture there was very strong, as the areas I went shooting were always packed with shooters. It just goes to show that electing a Democratic state legislator ONCE can threaten even a strong gun culture.

  8. On a side note, the other day I found a small gun shop in the Texas town I'm moving into that was selling both .223/5.56 and PMAGs at pre-Sandy prices. (limited one box ammo/one PMAG per customer, though). I was estatic.

  9. Colorado sealed their doom by welcoming all those Californians in the late 80's and early 90's who were fleeing California's last big economic bust. This process started 30 years ago and is a classic example of what happens with mass immigration. They are a blue state and will remain that way. Game over.


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