Thursday, February 21, 2013

Colorado Reps get death threats...

Brandon Rittiman is reporting that Representative Salazar is getting death threats in Colorado over his magazine ban.


Not surprising.  This issue has been pursued with the intention of getting a visceral response from gun owners and some have fallen for the tactic.

I truly believe that this issue is designed to separate the rural portion of the GOP from the suburban wing.  Additionally it can serve as another wedge issue between genders and races.

Well played by the White House.  Instead of focusing on a weak economy, an ill timed minimum wage increase, implementing Obama care, solving the unemployment problem, PUTTING FORTH A FREAKING BUDGET, working on the Iran issue, working on the N. Korea issue, stopping Chinese hacking, deciding what to do about the Canadian pipeline, and working to solve sequestration, they instead have the nation tied up over social issues and gun control.

Absolutely marvelous.

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