Wednesday, February 06, 2013

French Army Ops in Mali...the pics...

Note:  I had been using traditional US news sources to keep track of the happenings in Mali.  Stupid move.  Going to the French Army site...and then to their FaceBook page, I found the following photos.  It urks me to no end to have to follow a government entity on FaceBook in order to remain up to date on what's happening but that is the type of thinking that populates the halls of these organizations on both sides of the Atlantic.  The sad thing about this?  Most people I know are trying to get off FaceBook and because of non-thinkers in defense in government offices all over the globe they're forcing us back onto it.  Pity.


  1. Solomon:
    One question, in the forth pic, what is at the tip of the AR?
    Thanks Guillemro

  2. i have absolutely no idea. my Google translator is "off" so it might not even belong in this photo spread and might be a blank firing adapter...i initially thought grenade launcher but i don't think the French use rifle me!

  3. FAMAS do have a rifle grenade if I remenber well, but I m unable to ID this

  4. Saw that, pretty sure that a BFA. Think the photo is from some kind of training.

  5. This is the BTB (Bouchon de Tir a Blanc) used during training. Do NOT fire live ammo with a BTB mounted!

    Incidentally the Famas can shoot grenades.


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