Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Inconvenient Marine Corps Procurement Fact...

The USMC is planning on using the AAV until at least 2020.

That's almost 50 years of service.

It would be like using the LVT-1 from the end of World War 2 until the mid 90's.

Is that inconvenient or pathetic?


  1. not really,

    as technologies mature, their live cycles get longer, plus, i'm sure there has been many improvements to the basic AAV from all those years ago.

    look at it this way, a computer from 2001 running xp, used today, would be able to do most things, although quite slow.

    a computer from 1988, in 2001 would be next too useless....

    it's a general observation not really specific to the AAV.

  2. Abrams is expected to serve 70 years, so yea its pretty normal through upgrades.

  3. Back when the AAV was designed I am sure it could assaulted all but the most fortified of beaches.

    I don't know exactly how effective is going to be for the US to launch a "Shock & Awe" campaign. Everytime an amphibious assault is needed. Specially if you consider the cost of Cruise Missile over naval bombardment. I'm sure missiles deliver more effective fire than say a 16 inch gun. But how many 1st rate military powers are we going to fight.

    General Amos has turned the Marine Corps into an "Air Assault" Corps. We got heavy in Afganistan and we need to remember tnat we swim for a living.

    Bring the MPC and develop a better way to get grunts to the beach. Once there develop ways to get Speed, Mobity and pack a punch. Turn a few Amtracks into Amtanks. Or put a big turret into some if the MPC's.


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