Saturday, March 16, 2013

Pic of the day. Ambassador Class


  1. Can someone explain to me why we are spending over $750m per vessel and giving them away for FREE to Egypt - a country that is run by islamic fundamentalists whose goal it is to destroy western civilization and the jews? Just WOW.

  2. agreed. something is fundamentally wrong with our policy but no one is willing to call the bastards on it.

  3. Not for sure but I think the Egyptians are buying this class. NAVSEA PEO Ships website says:
    "The Fast Missile Craft (FMC) Program is being managed by PMS 325 as a Foreign Military Financed (FMF) project for the Egyptian Navy."

    But I too wonder why they need FAC(M)boats? I would cancel all military aid to Egypt.

  4. Forgot to say we sure could use a squadron of these in the US Navy!

  5. @ leesea, they would never fit US Navy ship procurement requirements because these only have an 8 day endurance. We require far more than that.


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