Sunday, March 31, 2013

Walking Dead (TV, not the 9th Marines).

I've been watching the "Walking Dead" marathon leading up to the season finale tonight.

Boy.  Good show.  The "group" makes some stupid decisions, gets its members killed off doing silly things but overall I like it.

What really has me geeked are the Zombies.  Fast zombies are definitely cooler than the slow ones.

Can't wait to see the finale. Somebody should have told me about this show sooner. 


  1. The Walking Dead has been my favorite show for the last three years. Like you say, sometimes they do idiotic stuff. And each character takes a turn being unlikeable. But hey, they're just regular folks trying to survive in the Zombie Apocalypse! Gotta love 'em.

  2. Those zombies are pussies, you should try proper British zombies in 28 days later, Rick and his crew wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes

    That said, you could always try the more civilised British zombie in Shaun of the Dead


  3. If you guys haven't seen it yet. There's this new rendition of the zombie. They don't walk or run anymore. They now SWARM.

    Check out the 'World War Z' trailer on youtube.



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