Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday Inspection and Awards Ceremony.

Like Terminal Lance says...I hope you feel professional...but moving on, I hope your Charlies are looking good cause here we go with the praising and punishing....

You couldn't handle her if she was laying buck naked on your bed begging for ya, but this weeks award winners get an honorary Denise Milani for good stuff this week (just like her)...

Lockheed Martin (MPC), BAE (Armadillo), Bell Helicopter (V-280) and the country of Brazil (LAAD).  Good stuff from all.

Our closing time pick up or you suck and this is what you deserve (if you're stationed at Ft. know the evil truth...I've heard the stories) goes to those that basically delivered a steaming pile....

The winners of this dubious distinction are...Department of Defense (sequestration), Republican Senate (traitorous turn on the gun bill), Democrat Senate (same) and Morning Joe (for a gun guy Joe is an idiot).

We'll see how things go next week.  I expect better performance from the losers and a continuation of the strive for perfection from the winners.



  1. Man, those Class C uniforms are sharp. The Army made a major mistake discarding the Green Class A uniforms and going to the current 'Dress Blues wannabe' uniforms.

    Seriously, the Army's new blues look like the Coast Guard or Air Cadet's, but not Army. scratch, the Coasties look better than the Army's.

    Can you amend the dubious distinction to include the Army's uniforms?

    1. hmm. good point but the Army is extremely sensitive about its uniform issues lately. first the ACU's, then getting mad because the Marines would share its cammies, next the dress uniform debacle....i don't need a bunch of pissed off army boys roaming these pages!


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